Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother's Day, Letters & Snippets

Dear Mom and Dad,                                   5/26/14

I'm so sorry that you came all the way here and were not able to visit me today. I missed you sooooo much. So sorry this letter is so sloppy, my celly is trying to sleep, so I'm using the wall next to my door for a table :-).

Every Holiday I spend separated for you guys is so hard. I miss you guys so much. I can't wait to see both of you again. I hope you guys have a good Memorial Day and a good week. 

The Lord is good - all the time.

                                              Shelton    Joshua 1:9

Dear Mom & Dad,                                     5-19-14

Just was thinking of you guys. I miss you all so much, hope all is going well. The phones have not been working for the last couple of days. I loved our visit on Saturday. I always have fun with you guys. I was doing the math – and next Tuesday will be 100 days of incarceration. That's a landmark to me. Maybe you could come on on that night, and if Katie sends in her visiting form, maybe she could come with you.
I had a meeting with the Intake Multi-Disciplinary Team today. They still don't think my diploma will be credited by the state of Wisconsin. They said the SO4 is no that important right now. All they want me to do is academics. These Modules are mandatory for me to be released: G-Gip, vocational and the SO4 in that order.
Man I can't wait till next weekend to see you guys and to get my canteen too. Also, I will be staying on the north unit. Miss Heidt is my social worker.
The schooling they want me to take first is Civics, Employability, and Health.

How are you guys doing this week? Is my dog doing ok? :-) Man, I wish I was out so I could help dad with the garden this year.
The weather was great today...but it just started to rain.
Oh, I get my hair cut tomorrow at 1:30.
I should start school next week sometime.
I love you guys so much. I'm praying for y'all. Hugs and kisses to you.
                                       Shelton          Joshua 1:9

Moved to his new Facility: Racine Youthful Offenders 

Correctional Facility

New Address:

Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility

Samuel Shelton 612941

North Lake #42

P.O. Box 2500

Racine, WI 53404

Dear Family,                                         5-11-14

It was so good to see you guys yesterday. Thank you so much for coming to see me. It is always so much fun to spend time with you guys. Today was on of those hard days....because I was not out spending Mother's Day with my mom. I'm so sorry that I let you guys down the way I did. God knew what was going to happen, and I'm glad I got caught to stop me from going somewhere I never wanted to go.
I want to thank you mom for being the best mom in the world. May God bless you this year When I talked to you today it made me so glad to know you would choose me all over again...even though I let you guys down so badly. Will you forgive me?
I love you guys so much. I can't wait to see you on Saturday.


Dear Mom and Dad,
Today is Wednesday the 7th – I am going to be moved tomorrow morning. I hope you get this before Saturday so you don't come all the way up here. I love you guys so much. This is one step closer to home. They are moving me to RYCI (Racine Youthful Correctional Institution). :-( But God is in control.

This is the Mother's Day card Samuel sent me:

Got this call the Friday before Mother's Day from Samuel:

I LOVE our visits with him!!!

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