Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Half-way Milestone

Yep. Today is the half-way mark in Samuel's 10 year sentence. In some ways it seems like it can't be possible... in another sense, 5 more years seems like a lifetime!

But we are praising God for His continued GRACE.

This past year was probably one of the toughest our family has faced in a good while. Many challenges... not all were necessarily related to Samuel.

There was one particular challenge though that bowed us low... but for GOD. Just let me say this... please keep praying for Samuel's protection physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

*Pray that he wouldn't become "institutionalized".... as in being incarcerated becoming the norm.
*Pray that God would continue to protect him... we feel it's as if he is living in the middle of sodom and gomorrah. There is much open wickedness around him.
*Pray that God would protect him from emotional and physical attractions.
*Pray that Samuel would stay close to God. There is not much in the way of chapel or Bible study.
*He is going to have to go through "group" -- a re-education group (brainwashing) about his crime and others' and their crimes too. Everything is very openly discussed. They always have women facilitate these groups because they are afraid men would be too understanding and therefore too "lenient"... pray for wisdom and grace for him.
*Pray that he would be a faithful man.

As far as Praises:
*Through this last year's trials we drew closer to God and to each other once again. We have had some wonderful and deep conversations! God is faithful and good!
*Samuel has a great job in laundry that he loves.
*They have allowed "J-pads" this year which allows him to buy music tracks, email us (YIPPEE!) and even has some games. We are thankful for the distraction.
*Thankful for dear friends of ours that see him on a regular basis.. and particularly for our Pastor who visits and encourages him
*We are also thankful for his heart and spirit. And although there are times of depression and sadness for him (okay, us too... ;) ) he is mostly filled with joy and thanksgiving. Praise God.

We don't write letters too much anymore... but we do get to talk every day and see him a couple times a week. We DO get to email though... and I will put his most recent email here for old times sake (since this blog IS called Letters from Samuel... :) )

"Hi hope all is going well for you today. I so wish I could call you today but just like yesterday the phones are down again. I asked Pastor to tell you yesterday when he came up here to see me to let you guys know. We had a great visit together. We talked about where I want to be in ten years. Not like normal, but as what path will I take and where it may lead me. He told me that I kind of have an advantage over other people because of were I am. There are not as many distractions. And I have nothing to worry about like bills, work and other things that may take my focus off the next steps in my life.
   So back to you. Happy Valentine's day. <3<3 I just want you to know that you are very special to me and I love you so much. More than a truck full of chocolate. Lol .. So do you and dad have any plans for today? If I was out I would take you guys and a special person (well hopefully) and her family out to eat at a nice place. Maybe the Mexican place in town. I think that would be fun. Just my thoughts. I know, hopeless as always.
  Thank you for your last email, it is good to be reminded of things like that. It is so true that the world is so corrupt. All we can do is to stay in the Word getting closer to Him by reading and praying. But more than that it is to retain what we learn and live by it.
Well I should go for now.
Love you sooooooo much hope you have a good Valentine's day. Stay positive always.
Love, your son,
Samuel Shelton ††Joshua 1:8-9

And here is our latest family picture

We also added a puppy to our family this year-- his name is Buddy and our cat Snuggles really likes him -- he was a Birthday/Christmas present for Lee

  Image may contain: dog  Image may contain: one or more people and dog  Image may contain: dog  Image may contain: dog   Image may contain: one or more people and dog

Below I will put some additional pictures from the last year ... as well as some fb posts from our Pray For Samuel prayer group on Facebook.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Cyndie Shelton, people smiling, tree, outdoor, closeup and nature    Image may contain: 2 people, including Cyndie Shelton, people smiling, eyeglasses and closeup    Image may contain: 2 people, including Cyndie Shelton, tree, outdoor and closeup  Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, christmas tree and text

Image may contain: 5 people, including Cyndie Shelton, people smiling, people standing and indoor   Image may contain: 3 people, including Cyndie Shelton, people smiling, people standing  Image may contain: 3 people, including Cyndie Shelton, people smiling, people standing and indoor 

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and text    Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling   


From the FB Prayer Group

Here is the post by Tullian T. that I mentioned above:

May 11, 2018
Have you every blown it? I have. You might want to read this.

How Can I Keep from Singing?
~Tullian Tchividjian
My friend Jacob Smith once suggested that all of us are three bad days away from becoming a tabloid headline, and most of us are already on day two. At a time when our worst private moments, most shameful secrets, and deepest character flaws can be easily found out and publicly exposed for the whole world to see, I find great comfort in the fact that King David knew what that felt like.

This “man after God’s own heart” appallingly brought disgrace on his divinely appointed office. He sinned against God and all of God’s people. He abused his God-given power for personal and sexual gain. He took advantage of a woman under his care and then subsequently had her husband killed to cover up the fact that he got her pregnant.

In the Jerusalem tabloids, David’s sick and sinful story would have been plastered all over the front page.

David’s well-known affair with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah was played out in the public square. It was a scandal for the ages. And, to make it worse, it was permanently recorded so that every generation from then until now would know about it. Google searches can’t hold a candle to the documented permanency and truthfulness of the Bible. David’s dirty laundry has been hanging in public for more than two thousand years. Apart from his defeat of Goliath, David’s sexual affair and murderous cover-up are what he is remembered for most. Can you imagine what would’ve become of him had social media existed during his time? In our current #MeToo climate, King David would have most definitely been “Public Enemy Number One.”

I have no doubt that he was tempted to disappear, to walk away, to shut his mouth forever, to go into seclusion and never come out. It is, after all, a lot easier and less painful to go into hiding when something terrible about you has been publicly revealed--when your well-groomed public image is exposed as being fraudulent. When someone is reeling from disgrace, the only welcome place seems to be a deep, dark hole, far from the public’s angry stares and wagging fingers. Knowing the frail human condition in a way now that I did not know before, I’m sure David, in his darkest moments, was tempted to kill himself. For, when public shame marks your life, the grave has a welcoming face. Yet this notorious adulterer and murderer and abuser was lifted up by God’s gracious hand to write his most famous hymn in the aftermath of his most infamous fall. And we can all be glad that he was.

If David had not suffered through this dark night of the soul, we wouldn’t have the shining light of his prayer for mercy.

In Psalm 51:1-17, David breaks down. He loses his composure as he composes his song of confession. He comes clean. He admits his sin, acknowledges his need for forgiveness, and appeals to God’s mercy. He petitions for God’s unfailing love in the wake of his greatest failure. Keenly aware of his transgressions and unable to shake his shame he begs for God’s compassionate cleansing. He knows that God and God alone can remove his guilt, set him straight, renew him, restore him, and sustain him. He knows that while others may never forgive him, he will be OK as long as he can be assured of God’s forgiveness.

Having pleaded to God for these things, David makes God a promise:

“Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, you who are God my Savior, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise.”
(Psalm 51:13-15)
He promises God that he will steward his failures in service to God and others. He promises God that he will tell the world about the seriousness of sin and the gloriousness of grace. He promises God that he will spend the rest of his days singing of his righteousness and declaring his praiseworthiness.

His days of selfish rebellion will bear fruit in years of unselfish proclamation of God’s one-way love.

This forgiven sinner becomes the instructor of sin and forgiveness. This absolved adulterer becomes the lyricist of our unfaithfulness and God’s fidelity. This pardoned life-taker becomes the lead singer of a song about a God who gives new life to those who deserve death. David won’t shut up. David can’t shut up. God doesn’t want him to. As my friend Chad Bird once said, “The absolution becomes a song in his heart that must be sung.” God broke him for this very reason. This man after God’s own heart is now singing about the heart of God from a place of deep experience that he could not have known apart from failure.

What’s so interesting and encouraging about this is that David’s song and story are proof that God’s intention for those who crash and burn is NOT that their lips are now sealed. Rather, he intends to pick them up, wash them off, and open their mouths wide so that they will speak more loudly than ever of his amazing grace and unconditional love.

This is why it is such a travesty to me when we use the “Qualifications” passages (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9) as weapons to shut the mouths of those who have sinned greatly and have lived to tell about this God of great expenditure--a God who meets our guilt with his grace, our sin with his salvation, our faults with his forgiveness, and our perversion with his purity. When we do this, we rob the Church of the very empathetic voices that God intends to use to set people free. Psalm 51 is biblical proof that, however one wants to interpret those passages in Timothy and Titus, they are certainly NOT meant to silence the voices of all who have destructively blown it. In today’s religious climate, David would have undoubtedly been deemed forever disqualified and unfit to lead, much less pen seventy-three Psalms that God himself published. If anything, Psalm 51 proves that there is no-one more qualified to speak of the significance of sin and the gladness of grace like the one who has “been there and done that.”

As I said in an earlier post, recovery institutions (AA, NA, etc.) have figured out that the best people to reach those who have bottomed out are those who have bottomed out themselves. I think the Church could learn a lot from that. Who better to praise the feast of God’s redeeming grace than prodigals whose sins once drove them to hunger after pig slop?

I’m not sure where we ever got the idea that our “goodness” is what qualifies us to have a powerful impact on people. Because the truth is—none of us are “good” (Romans 3:10-18). And our impact on people becomes powerful when we acknowledge our badness and live out of our brokenness. In fact, the more honest you are about your failures, the bigger your effect on people will be. It is, without question, our failures and not our successes, where God’s grace shines the brightest through us into the lives of others. Every person I have ever known who has crashed and burned, and as a result, come to terms with their own powerlessness, has taught me something about God’s love and grace and forgiveness that I would’ve never known otherwise.

Have you, like David (like ME), blown it big time? Do you think that your sin has sewn shut your lips? Are internal and external voices telling you that you are not qualified to sing, speak, share, and shout the Good News whenever and wherever you can? Have you been shamed into silence by those who claim that the bad and broken should not stand before God’s people and testify of his grace? Then I have the best of news for you: You are forgiven! No—more than that—you are pure and perfect and righteous in the eyes of God because of Christ. Even more than that, Jesus opens your lips to sing his praise for the world to hear. Washed clean by his blood, robed in his white garments, and filled with his Spirit, we are his mouthpieces.

As Peter and John once said when the religious leaders of their day tried to silence them, “We cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). We cannot. We will not.

Those who stand at the foot of the cross—forgiven and pure and shameless in Jesus Christ—have no mute button.

“Through all the tumult and the strife,
I hear its music ringing;
It sounds an echo in my soul,
How can I keep from singing?”


This time last year one of Samuel's good friends and former celly's --- AND one of our adopted sons committed suicide. He had been released just 5 months prior and was engaged. It was SO tragic.

More from the FB Group

No photo description available.

Samuel is doing soooo much better! We feel like God has done a marvelous work in his heart and that we have our son back. Satan is SO vicious and wants to destroy him and all of us!

I am SO glad we have a Saviour that will NEVER leave nor forsake us! God has been so faithful to uphold us and carry us through. Once again we just praise Him that these things have drawn us closer to Him and teach us to trust Him.. but also have drawn us closer to Samuel and have open and honest communication which has helped to heal all of us.

Please keep praying for us. We SO want God to have the glory in this and in all things.

Thank you family and friends for your continued faithful prayers and well wishes.

We treasure each and everyone of you!

God Bless!

I want to leave  you with a passage that we have memorized this past year that has come to mean so much to us! GOD IS GREAT!

Matthew 5 King James Version (KJV)

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Happy Third Year Anniversary To Us! :)


As we sat visiting with Samuel last night laughing and sharing and talking and praising the Lord for His goodness.... it's hard to imagine all of  that was taking place in the visiting room of a youthful offender's prison.

But that's where we were.

But... you would have never known it. That's called God's Grace.

It still hurts... but the hurt fades... as all hurts eventually do... and you start to see all the wonderful things our wonderful God has done!

So even though it has been a year since I have written an update on this blog... there is really not a lot of news... so I am going to spend a few moments sharing all the amazing things the Lord has done through this heavy trial for HIS GLORY and OUR GOOD!

Side Note: This blog is called Letters From Samuel... but I think we only received one letter from Samuel this year... we talk to him every day and see him a couple times a week so he saves his precious stamped envelopes for far away family and friends.

Some of the things we were rehearsing last night and Praising the Lord for:

  • God's ABSOLUTE goodness and grace.

  • Samuel is an amazingly cheerful and godly young man. The character we observe in him on a weekly basis and his growth in the things of the Lord amaze, humble, and thrill us. We have no greater joy than to know that he is walking in truth. We know without a doubt that a large part of God's wondrous work in his heart and life (and ours) is a direct result of him going to prison. It wasn't the going to prison that was as hard so much... as the harsh length given. But we continue to trust God in that regard!

  • We hear good reports from the guards regularly how Samuel is a "mentor" to many of the young men incarcerated there. Or that he is always cheerful. Or hardworking. And is a good influence on those around him. God is answering our prayer that Samuel would be a Joseph while incarcerated.

  • He told us recently that he tries to tell at least 5 guys a day that "Jesus loves you." You can imagine the varying responses... :) But he is being light. And many guys are hearing for the first time that someone loves them. Praise God. 

  • The Lord continues to provide physically and financially for the added monthly expenses of having an incarcerated family member. 

  • Lee and I are healing and able to rejoice and see all the little "beauties" that God is bringing out of ashes.

  • I want to be careful with this one... but the three of us are all SO thankful that we are not the same people we were 4 years ago when this all first came to light. God has brought us out of some cult-like thinking and realizing that we have lived much of our Christian lives pleasing men rather than God. That didn't work out too well. It's bondage. But now we are free and joyful in that freedom. There is great freedom in finding who you are in Christ and being who God meant YOU to be... and that you don't have to fit a cookie-cutter pattern to be a born-again Christ-lover.

  • We are thankful that Samuel's future is in God's Hands. No great revelation there... but humanly speaking... his future could look very grim: Seven more years in prison. Ten years of probation. Lifetime registry as a sexual offender. Can't ever vote. Can't ever hunt with a gun. Can't live in some towns. Ministry limitations... broken dreams... BUT FOR GOD! So... we are actually EXCITED to see how God is going to open doors and direct and lead and give him a full and useful life for the Lord regardless of his circumstance!! HALLELUJAH!!


So as we begin our fourth year in this wonderful plan that God is unfolding in our lives... we look forward with joy and anticipation of a greater work in all of our hearts and lives ...poured out for Him and His glory!!

And we mean that with all of our hearts. :)

Thank you dear family and friends for your many prayers and encouragement to our family. We put together a prayer group on Facebook for Samuel and he is so thankful for all the support and prayers for him... and for us. Thank you. God is Good.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, christmas tree and text

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Letters From Samuel

~SEE new NOTE added at the end of our "Public Statement" directly below, then scroll almost halfway down for the latest post dated February 16, 2016

Samuel's Life Verse

On February 17th, 2014, our son, Samuel Lee Shelton was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the state of Wisconsin. 

The purpose for this blog is threefold:

1) To tell the story of our family - Sinners who are Saved by Grace
2) To give God the glory for GREAT things He hath done
3) To share with others our journey through Letters From Samuel

This is the Public Statement we released on March 23, 2014

Dear Facebook Friends and Family~                 When our son, Samuel, was a minor, he got involved in some sexual sin that continued on into his 17th year – which in Wisconsin – one is no longer a minor, but considered to be an adult. At age 17 he was charged and convicted as an adult with one count of a felony charge. As usual, the newspapers do not bring a full and/or accurate picture. Having said that, let there be no mistake, Samuel is in prison because Samuel did wrong. It was just that it was such a harsh sentence. It is our intent to make this public – not to be an offense, but to share the great mercy and grace of our loving God.
As soon as this came to light, we handled it correctly with the authorities, and, consequently, we also immediately had to leave the ministry, our home, our church, and had no job. Samuel repented and made things right with the Lord, with us, and as much as he was legally able – with the others involved. This last year has been one of the most painful, yet incredible years of our lives. Painful because sin is a robber – a robber of all of our hopes and dreams, as well as the name of Christ, the testimony of believers, and much much more. Our sin never, ever affects just us alone.
But this year has also been incredible – as our Heavenly Father has shown us so much love, mercy, compassion, and kindness. Much of it has come through God's people. We all have grown this year and are closer to the Lord and each other than we've ever been. Leaving the camp and having a “normal” life, growing in the Lord, joining Reformer's Unanimous (a faith-based addictions program) and the love and counsel of God's people has had a tremendous impact on our family. It has been a precious gift from the Lord.
On Monday, February 17th, the court system sentenced Samuel to 10 years in prison and 10 years of extended supervision after that. We were all stunned by the harshness of the sentencing. We already knew our county was extremely hard on this type of thing, but were honestly shocked with a sentence like that. Our Public Defender pointed out a few reasons he believed the sentencing went the way it did – and humanly speaking, he may be right. Time does not allow at this moment to go into great detail about all of that, but we shared with our attorney that we believe God is sovereign, that He is in control, and that He is in the details, and that none of this surprised Him. It was also the answer to prayer that we had been seeking – to have an opportunity to thoroughly witness to this man. Praise the Lord.
Although we are grieving so deeply and missing our boy so much – he became a man this year. A man that we are proud of in his response to the Lord and to the law. Samuel faced his consequences bravely and without blame shifting from the very first moment. He refused to feel sorry for himself – nor would he let us feel sorry for our selves. He went to work full time his last year of high school to help support his family because he felt responsible for us losing our home and job. He refused to keep any of the money he made.
We have been so encouraged as we have visited Samuel – for his great peace that he is exactly where the Lord would have him! Today was the first time we have been allowed to hug and kiss and touch him in over a month. This has been so heartbreaking but God has been so faithful. Samuel has had some amazing opportunities already! We are looking at this as a 10 year mission field for all of us! God is already using us and what a privilege! God has been preparing us this whole past year for such a time as this, and we have been encouraging Samuel to be a "Joseph" in prison - serving and encouraging others. He currently is in a "holding" place while they assess and evaluate him, but in a couple of months he will be moved to a permanent place and will get to work and take classes, learn a trade, go to chapel, be involved in Bible studies, and continue with our Reformers Unanimous program. Even if God uses this for that ONE reason, to get a RU program started in the prison he will be moved to...then PRAISE God it will be worth it! We are hurting, but there is also a joy bubbling up within our souls to be used by God to further His Gospel and share His love no matter WHERE our "corner" is that He wants us to brighten!! Can you think of a more needy mission field than prison? We wouldn't have necessarily reached out to this “people group” otherwise. God is wise and good and will take our sin and turn it around and use it for His glory! This is truly beauty out of ashes, yes?
We have learned much over this last year. We have learned how to love others greater and deeper than we ever have before. We have learned to “lay our Isaac down” and relinquish all of OUR hopes, all of OUR dreams, and let God be God in our lives and use us however He chooses. We know that not everyone will be able to handle hearing this and our family will be a stumbling-block to some because of this – and will need to “separate” from us. To you, we humbly ask forgiveness. To many more of you, we realize that you believe Galatians 6:1 - “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” We already know this to be true because we have experienced both.
In closing, we want to warn you, Mothers and Fathers – guard your children. We live in a very pornographic, secret-life type of society, and our christian son – raised in a christian home – was exposed to pornography as a young teen through TWO VERY “SAFE” avenues – through the son of christian friends, and through a public computer on a very “safe” christian Camp.
Our prayer is that others will learn through us. God has given us much grace and we are trying to honor Him through this “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” 2 Cor 2:14
There is sorrow mingled with joy – the joy keeps the sorrow from overtaking us, and the sorrow tempers the joy so we can learn much about our loving Lord – as “into the heart of Jesus deeper and deeper we go.”
Please pray for us, we know we have a long road ahead of us, but we live it one day at a time. Samuel would want us to tell the young people, “You can choose your sin, but you can't chose your consequences.” and – for those who have grown up in a Christian home – “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required”`Luke 12:48.
Our hope is in God. There will be an “Afterwords” - and God is good – all the time.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.
~Lee, Cyndie & Samuel Shelton

**NEW NOTE (added 2016) - There are other aspects that we haven't shared up to this point, but felt these facts would help answer some questions people have had. Many people have asked us why we think the judge's sentence was so harsh. Here is a summary of our public defender's thoughts:

1. The judge had in the previous year had a case where the neglect of a mother had caused her baby's death. He gave her 1 year probation and some fines. He came under a firestorm of criticism for being too "lenient." Then, the Sunday night before Samuel's sentencing to be held the following Monday morning, that same lady had been picked up for probation violation which included drugs. Once again he came under a firestorm of criticism...and he was reeling. Samuel's case was the first on the docket the next morning, and our attorney believes it was more of a knee-jerk reaction to the criticism from his previous case-gone-bad.

2. The second thing that happened that morning, is we could all tell it was not going good for Samuel. As a last-ditch effort to get the judge to be balanced in his outcome, our attorney reminded him of a previous case he had just sentenced recently involving another man (whom we actually knew) who was much older than Samuel, was a repeat offender, didn't have family and a support network (we had 20+ people in the courtroom with us that day showing support, along with dozens and dozens of letters of support from friends, family, and employers), and reminded the judge Samuel was being faithful to church, getting counseling and finishing a faith-based program to help him, and was faithful at his job (as a matter of fact, his boss who was reticent to give him the job (he had just been recently convicted of being a sexual offender) loved and appreciated him so much...she visits him in prison to this day and is actually holding his job for him). I am only saying all this to show the contrast between these two cases. Travis (our attorney) reminded the judge that he had sentenced this other person to 10 years IN prison and 10 years probation, and seeing that Samuel's case was much milder and this was a "first offense" etc, he was asking the judge for more leniency.

As soon as Travis was finished husband and I looked at each other...and we knew it was over. The judge took offense, squirmed on his bench and looked at Travis over the top of his glasses as if he was an errant school boy and immediately put Travis "in his place." I don't remember what the judge said at that moment...I just remember thinking that was the nail in the coffin. And it was. The judge gave him the EXACT same sentence that he had given that other man. AND he gave it in such a way (called bi-furcate - meaning that because the length in time IN prison matched exactly the time OUT for probation) that it could never be shortened. Not for good behavior. Not for finishing programs. Not for anything. A piece of me died that day.

***One final comment I would like to make is, that while what Samuel did was wrong...he and many other young men that are incarcerated for "sexual crimes" are still virgins and somewhat sexually innocent. They do NOT belong in prison with hardened sexual perverts and deviants. Where is the help for these young men? We lock them up and ruin their lives without trying to help them. Most, like Samuel will have their whole lives pre-determined by being labeled as a sexual offender for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. This will affect where they can live, work, and resort...not to mention never being able to own a gun and hunt, or vote...Seriously?? I am not saying that that is not necessary for some... or that there should be no punishment or rehabilitation....I am saying that there are thousands of young boys that did very stupid stuff (much like me and you, by the way....) and are paying for it the rest of their lives. That is an overreach by our judicial system. Where's the balance?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of New Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is one of Samuel's favorite songs. He identified with every aspect of it. When Lee found out about it he spent a week memorizing it so he could sing it to his "buckaroo" when we visited Samuel in prison. Even though all the prisoners are visiting in the same room, they were oblivious as they sang the song softly to each other with tears pouring down their faces. It was one of the most beautiful moments of our lives.

Rodney Atkins - Watching You

First Letter Received - From Walworth County Jail

Dear Mom & Dad,                                   2/26/14

Thank you for writing me. I loved the letter. You mean so much to me. I love you guys so much.

Hope all is going well for you guys. If you get a chance, please tell Missy she was the best boss I ever worked for. Hopefully when I get out I will be able to work for a landscaping company.

My dreams are to learn how to landscape, and to manage my own business someday. And, to start an R.U. in my hometown of Whitewater, WI. ♥

Mom, you are my hero and I love you so much. Thank you for all you have done for me over the past 18 years. You are a true hero of the faith. Thank you so much. I love you.

Dad, you are the ONLY Super Man! No one can compare to you. You have shown me how to hunt and live off the land. You have been a good leader in this family. I love you both so much.

Your Loving Son,

Samuel Lee Shelton       Joshua 1:9, Proverbs 3:5-7

This song came out not too long before Samuel went to prison. 
It was a great comfort and encouragement to all of us. 

Alone Yet Not Alone

This is a copy of the letter we sent to the District Attorney:

Dear District Attorney Grube,                                                               September 16th, 2013

We are the parents of Case No. 13CF74. Who, otherwise, is known to us as, Samuel Lee Shelton.

We understand that in the normal course of your job, you rarely “see” the faces behind the case number. We thought we might take this opportunity to introduce you to our son, Samuel.

Actually, we aren't going to take the time here to tell you all about him necessarily – there were letters of repute to do that. We just thought you should know that when and if Samuel is put on probation, or electronic monitoring, or locked up in prison or jail – that you should lock us up too. For you see, we got here together – as a family.

When we adopted Samuel 18 ½ years ago – we realized that God entrusted him to us – that we were to be good stewards in this thing called “parenting.” We took that very seriously, and were very sincere in raising him to be a godly, responsible, respectful, and hard-working young man. So then, the question that must bear asking is, “What went wrong?”

Well, first of all, our first response is – there are no excuses. None. And that is what Samuel would tell you as well. But, there are pieces – pieces that help us put together this puzzle of how we got here.

You see, we were very sincere in our efforts in raising our boy, but in some areas we were sincerely wrong. We, his parents, both came from rough backgrounds – filled with ugliness of sin and wrong choices. But then in 1990 we both became Christians and God systematically has been transforming us ever since. So, when we picked up Samuel from the hospital, our first instinct was to “protect.” We didn't want him exposed to much of the garbage that we had lived through most of our lives. That sounds good, right? But in the very thing we were trying to protect him from – and by living in a little protective “bubble” at camp, we didn't teach him very well how to deal with the shadier side of things – and how to deal with things that he would be exposed to “one day.”

We were very careful about movie choices, what we read, magazine choices, etc etc, being very careful to not allow him to be “exposed” to anything detrimental, such as say, pornography. What we should have been doing all along is teaching him what to do WHEN confronted with pornography. After all our children are being assaulted with it every where they turn – TV, movies, music, internet, billboards, school curriculum, checkout lines at the grocery store, nudity all around us (we live in a college town), iPods, iPads... need I go on? We just read a statistic this morning that said that today alone there will be 2.5 billion pages of pornography that will be circulated via email – and that you, I, and our children can access these by clicking away on our smartphones in as little as three seconds.

Not to mention, one forgets what it is like to be 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and dealing with all of the hormones and the curiosity that goes with “it.” Samuel wasn't exposed more or less necessarily than any other young person, and just “couldn't help himself.” This was where we failed. Instead of Samuel getting his information from us – he got it everywhere else – from a world that is delighted to give him an education. So, in a society where 5th and 6th graders are being given condoms and being instructed in how to “use them,” and school nurses are treating STD's on a regular basis, where 17 year old kids are getting their 13 year old girlfriends pregnant and nobody cares, and where that same girl can be quietly transported to have an abortion without her parents knowledge, Samuel is facing a class B felony charge. What Samuel did is wrong. But when our children are acting upon the very things our society is conditioning them to do – we decide that some of them should be put away – or be a registered sexual offender for the rest of their lives. Which is very ironic, since these very same children will grow up to live in an adult society that is rife with adultery, licentiousness, and illicit behavior.

Statistics also show that kids want to learn about sex, love, relationships, and most everything else from their mom and dad before their peers – or anyone. But somehow we get fearful, or busy, or think they'll “get it” by association and it will all work out okay. Fail.

Or we don't make it feel very “safe” for our children to talk to us about these things and other things, because we “hyperventilate” and “freak out” when they ask uncomfortable questions or tell us they want to pierce their nose, tongue, and eyebrows. Fail.

Or we are busy trying to make a living, serve others, keep our marriage together, pay the bills and just don't take the time to look into our children's eyes. Deeply. And see where they are hurting. And let them know they are unconditionally accepted. Fail.

Or we didn't teach him how to interact with girls. At the time these things happened Samuel was 16 and 17, but more a 1ike a 13 or 14 year old in maturity and social cues. Samuel is now 18 years old, and as we observed him the other day with a girl that is 20, he still acts like a junior high kid in some ways towards the opposite sex and is missing some of the social cues and graces. Fail.

So you see, District Attorney Grube, we are guilty too. Samuel will not let us accept any of the blame. He refuses to feel sorry for himself, and refuses to let us feel sorry for ourselves as well. One of his favorite Bible verses says, “To whom much is given, much more will be required.” Samuel will tell you that he knew right from wrong. That he made choices that were wrong. And that you “can chose your sin, but you can't chose your consequences.”

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Lee and Cyndie Shelton

First Letter Sent From Holding Prison:

Dear Mom & Dad,                                  3/5/2014

You already know that I have been moved today. Here is my temporary address:

Dodge Correctional Institution
Samuel Shelton 612941
P.O. Box 700
Waupun, WI 53963

I love you guys very much and God is good all the time.

If you send money to Dodge they will not take any out yet for court costs, that will happen at the next place. They will also take out and save 10% for when I get out.

I hope everything is going well for you. Things are fine here.

May the Lord richly bless you and dad through this journey. God knows the end from the beginning.

With Love in Christ,
Samuel L. Shelton     Joshua 1:9, Proverbs 3:5-7

On our first visit with Samuel after not being able to see him for a couple of weeks, I had an encouraging pep-talk ready because I knew that spending so much time thinking and thinking and could become easy to be bitter - rather than better. :) As I began, he held up his hands and said, "Wait. Before you say anything I have something to say." He then turned to Dad and said, "Dad, I believe, like Job, God has allowed your health to be taken (heart attack and abdominal surgery), and that He has allowed your job to be taken (Camp, etc), and has allowed your son to be "taken." He went on, "Now are we as a family going to 'curse God and die' or are we going to be faithful in this thing to the very end?" So much for going there to encourage him! WE are always the ones that leave encouraged!! Praise the Lord!

One of our favorite songs as a family:

Bow The Knee

Dear Family,                                                3/6/2014

I love you guys so much. Hope this gets to you by Thursday. It is Tuesday night. Please save all these letters in a folder for me.

I can't wait till Saturday to see you guys.

For canteen this week I got 5 sodas and 12 envelopes. Hope all is going good.

Miss y'all.


Me: "Wow, Samuel! This is awesome handwriting! All of 
your letters should look like this!"
Samuel: "Mom! That took me THREE days to write that like that!" :-)

My Testimony - Samuel L. Shelton


Hi, My name is Samuel L. Shelton, and this is my story.

I was born in 1995 in Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Some say my birth is a miracle in itself, because my birth mom did not even know that she was pregnant with me until the day I was born. Had she known, she probably would have aborted me. God had a different plan.

Right away I was put into a foster home because my mother was unable to fully take care of me. The foster home that I was put in was the family that would soon adopt me as well. I was their only child. They are the best parents any kid could ever want.

They also are a christian family, so I went to church every Sunday and Wednesday from the moment they took me in. When I was three we moved to NJ for my dad to work as a maintenance man for a christian school and for our family to work part time at a christian camp. During that time we lived on the farm of friends from church and helped them there some. At that farm they had an in-ground pool with a fence around it. One winter when I was six years old I just couldn't resist sneaking open the gate and playing on the ice. I had been warned repeatedly to stay off of it because of the danger of falling through, but I thought I would be okay. Of course I was wrong, and I broke through the ice. All I could remember was looking up and seeing nothing but ice, and asking God to help me get out and make it home. God was so gracious to allow me to find that same hole, pull myself out of the freezing water and make it back across the farm to safety at home. Imagine my mother's shock when she answered a knock on her door to have it be me soaking wet and freezing cold. My snowsuit and boots were filled with icy water, and I knew even at that young age it was a miracle that God allowed me to survive.

When I was seven years old my family attended a small church in upstate New York on the weekends during the summer. It was there I made my first “profession of faith.” Looking back, I do not believe I understood fully what it meant to be “saved.” Being saved simply means that a person recognizes that they are a sinner (we all are) and that there is no hope of getting to heaven on our own merit; that Jesus Christ came to the earth and lived a sinless life and that He paid the price for mine – and all mankind's- sin on the cross. There He died, was soon buried, but then was gloriously raised again from the dead to have victory over sin and death! A person is “saved” (saved from hell and given eternal life in heaven with God forever), when he or she places their trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross alone. Salvation is belief + NOTHING.

When I was nine we moved to Wisconsin to work at another camp, this time my dad being the cook. I was 13 when I heard and accepted the gospel – this time with understanding, and placed my faith in Jesus Christ. The years we worked at camp I was home-schooled and had many opportunities to help around the camp.

When I turned 15 I got my driver's license and first truck and began rebelling against all authority – but I did it quietly. Soon I would be involved in some very serious sin. During my 11th grade of high school I was finally caught in my sin. Looking back, I am so glad that I got caught, because it stopped me dead in my tracks. My sin required the police getting involved and I spent a night in jail and would be charged with a felony. I willingly confessed and cooperated fully with the investigation and interviews.

I not only confessed my sin to my parents and the authorities, but I also confessed it to God and repented (or turned away) from my sin. This past year God has given me grace to peacefully face whatever punishment would be required. On February 17, 2014, I was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

So far I have served almost two months and again God has given me grace to stay strong in him. May God be glorified through my life as I share my story – and I hope it will be used to help others see that He can miraculously turn around a person's life – no matter what their sin is.
My life verse is Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and of a good courage. Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the LORD thy God is with thee, whithersoever thou goest.”

Just remember two things:
1) God's eyes are in every place beholding the evil and the good (Proverbs 15:3) – There is no where you can hide from God, and
2) You can choose your sin, but you cannot choose your consequences (or punishment). Sin is only “pleasurable for a season” and will end up hurting you (and others) or maybe even destroying or killing you. One thing I hope you get from this is that you only get ONE second chance, and that “every saint has a past, but every sinner has a future.”

That future can only be found in Jesus Christ. Nothing you can do can save you – you need to believe in Jesus Christ alone. Even if you were the only person to ever live on the earth, Jesus Christ would still have come to save you. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” We “perish” or die, because we are all sinners. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” And in Romans 6:23, “For the wages (payment) of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” It is a GIFT. You can't work for it. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” -Ephesians 2:8-9

May this help you see and accept God's FREE gift of salvation. Romans 10: 9-10, 13 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

O The Joy of Knowing Jesus

~Samuel L. Shelton
March 8, 2014

O the joy of knowing Jesus
O the bliss that fills my soul
Just to know He's always with me
Never - am I alone.

In the light or in the darkness

I have not to fear the foe
There is One behind me
That none can overthrow.

Though I am weak - He is strong

No matter what is going wrong.

He will never, no never leave me.

If my heart is clean within

And I give to Him my best
He will always keep and guide me
To the place of perfect rest.

From This Point On - Letters are Posted as Most Recent First