Sunday, July 6, 2014

Father's Day and Lockdowns

This picture was actually taken a few weeks after Father's Day because the prison was under a full lockdown. We had no clue what was going on for a few days because Samuel was not allowed to call. There had been some pretty serious gang-related fights and activity in the Rec yard and they put the whole prison under lockdown - more as a protection than a punishment. They are just now getting back to normal several weeks later... 

We also weren't allowed visits, there were no Bible studies or chapel, no classes - so they were truly pretty much locked down 24/7. Something of that capacity has to be approved by Governor Walker. They also did a thorough search of each and every cell and found a LOT of contraband, etc. We are praising the Lord that the CO found the razor blade that Magic had planted in Samuel's belongings a few days before, or he would have been in serious trouble. God continues to watch over and intervene on Samuel's behalf. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about how merciful God is even in His chastisement. We have been truly amazed time and time again at how often God has intervened, protected, and blessed Samuel in a variety of ways. God truly wants to be close to us. He is not "punishing" like we tend to be. He is merciful and desires to restore us to full fellowship with Himself. What a good God we serve!

Watchin' You

Best Father's Day Card Ever! 

Dear Family,                                               6-4-14

I love you guys so much. I hope everything is going well at home. I got all my stuff you guys sent in. (My socks, t-shirts, underwear, towels, and alarm clock). Thank you so much for getting me all that. Today the phones are out. They are putting in six phones. We had four phones for people to use at day-room. This will hopefully let more people be able to use the phone. Everything is going good here. I got a letter from Missy (his boss) last night.

It was so good to see Mom last night. Tay still has not stopped talking about seeing his mom last night. It's the first time he has seen her in 8 or 9 months.

Today the weather was rainy and cold. I miss you all so much. I just got your letter for this week. I love getting a weekly update on everything. I am staying busy with my health class every day. Today we started learning basic first aid. Most of this is just common sense. Also, growing up at camp I have learned a lot on how to help people.

I am trying to get into the Brick Laying course, but I have not heard back from anyone yet. God is still in control. This 10 years is a small thing to Him.

Dear Family,                                            6-12-14

I miss you guys so much. Things are OK here. Every time I listen to my radio of think of you guys. Tell Katie I am so thankful to have it (our “adopted” daughter and friend, Katie Barbour provided the radio and some shoes for Samuel). Y'all mean so much to me. Hope you guys have had a good week. Can't wait to see you on Saturday.

Hope all is going good! The weather is so nice today. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. I love you guys so much. Hope the garden is growing well. Hope the list of needs I sent is not too much.
                              Your Loving Son,
                                 Samuel Shelton

This is our friend, Katie. She is a regular fixture around here, and her friendship has meant so much to us. She kept me company many a night when Samuel first went to prison. She has adopted us, and more importantly to us, she treats Samuel like a little brother. She provided a radio and shoes for him. She told us that if anything happens to Lee and I before Samuel gets out, that he will always have a place to
 go to ~ a home.
That means more to us than words can say.

Dear Family,                                   June 28, 2014

Well today we have been locked down for 3 days. So sad that I could not see you guys today. The CO's (Correction Officers) said we may not have visits on Sunday either. Hope I get to talk to you tomorrow, I know you must be worried. I love you all so much.

It was so good to talk to CJ. So happy for her. Can't wait to see the pictures. She has been a big encouragement to me from the first time I met her.

Hope you guys ha d a good time tonight. Looks like the weather held out for you guys. What did you have to eat? Who all came over for the bonfire? Tell (my dad) Bryan 'Hi' for me.

Hope everything is going well for the church. I will be praying for VBS this summer. What is the theme this year?

It was so good to talk to Pastor Yowell last week. He is always a big encouragement to me. He always gives me a few things to think about. He really cares for you guys and wants to be a help any way he can.

Tell everyone thank you for praying for me! I really saw God work last week with my last celly! (Magic – the satan-worshiper). The Lord has blessed me with a good celly. We get along pretty well. Still trying to cell up with Tay.

Just looked at the time. It's 9:30 pm. Man. I miss you guys much. Today was hard for me not seeing you guys. I won't lie, I did cry today. So sorry that this all had to happen. But I'm so glad to be right with God and you guys. The Lord is so good to us. Think of all the opportunities we have already had to be used of God. Let us not forget what we were put on this earth to do. Hope you guys have a good rest of the week.

Dear Family,                                     June 29, 2014

It was so good to talk to you guys finally. I will miss seeing you this weekend. Well July is almost here. Hopefully we will be off lockdown by Wednesday. Then Mom can come visit me. When you're locked down for 4 days you have a lot more time to think of why you are here... Sometimes you can forget why you are here. But you can't leave until all the time is served. God is always in control, we just need to wait on Him. Everything in HIS time not ours.

So glad you all had a good time last night. So did the weather hold out for you? Thank you for give me the phone numbers to call Uncle Jack, and Larry, and Aunt Rita. I can't wait to talk to them. Well, I'm going to lay down and try to get some sleep. Love you guys.

Well, we had lunch about two hours ago. We had pancakes, hashbrowns, oatmeal, and bread. It was pretty good. How was the morning service? What was the message about? How was your lunch? What was for lunch? Well, it's 1:10 pm, so it's my nap time, lol!
Love you guys.

Dear Family,                                June 30, 2014

Well, it's Monday and we're still on lock down. We just ate lunch an hour ago. We had a chicken sandwich. How was your guys' lunch today?

I also got to talk to Uncle Jack after I talked to you. It was so good to hear his voice. I did try Uncle Larry, but did not get a hold of him. Uncle Jack caught me up on all the news.

We only get one day room today but hopefully by tomorrow we will be back to full normalcy. Well I will let you go for now, it's my nap time :-). Love you guys...

I got to talk to Aunt Rita and Michael. It was so good to talk to them. Just got back from my last day room. How was the weather after I talked to you, it looks pretty bad out there...?

I can't wait to see you tomorrow. It was a very hard weekend not talking or seeing you guys. Hope Pastor gets approved to visit and minister to the inmates. They really need people to come who will really care about who they are. And it would be good to see people from church. Well, it's 6:51 and nasty outside. Love you all so much. Tomorrow, I am going to try to talk to Uncle Larry and maybe Kazmine if I can. Miss you sooo much. Time for me to sign off for tonight.

                   4 Months Down ~ 116 to go

I Saw Jesus in You

Dear Family,                                    July 1, 2014

Hope you all are ok. Last night we had some bad T-storms. Wish I was there with you last night Mom, when you were down in the basement.

Just got up and am getting ready for my day. Can't wait to see you tonight, Mom.

How is the garden going? Can you send me some pictures of the house, garden, and lawn? Had a good dream last night. It was about getting out and working for CreateScape.

Just finished my devotions. One verse that really stood out to me was Proverbs 1:5 “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.” I want to model my life after this verse. I want to be wise in all that I do in my life. Well, it's almost time for first day room. So I'll let you go for now. Hopefully I will be able to talk to Uncle Larry today.

Just got back from lunch. We had tacos. They were really good. Sometimes it's hard not to get frustrated with some of the CO's because one will try to help you, but the next will not even care what happens or what goes on. It makes it hard to give respect to someone for weeks and they still won't even acknowledge you when you talk to them. :-/ But I will not give up hope. Maybe I could be a witness and lead some CO's to Christ!

I have to go to school in 45 minutes. Hopefully this week I will finish this class so I can start the brick laying class. Wish this class was over but all in good time.

Well it was so good to see Mom tonight. We had a blast! I came back to my cell and slept for an hour! We just had 9:00 standing count. Well, I am going to write Kazmine a letter before going to bed. Love you guys. Lots.

Dear Family,                                    July 3, 2014

Well, today is 7 ½ days of being locked down. Can not wait to see you guys! Been listening to lots of music on my radio! It was good to talk to you and Dad today. Wish I could see you guys every day but that won't work.

My celly said to say hi to you guys. He's an ok guy. He will be moving in November. That's when I will cell up with Tay I hope.

It's 7:15 pm, well I'll let you go for now. Love you guys.

Dear Family,                                          July 5, 2014

Well today was boring. How was the parade this year? We have been listening to country all day. It was so good to see you guys. Hope you guys had a good time with Bryan and Katie on Saturday night. I love you guys so much. Well, I'll let you guys go for now till tomorrow. Miss you all. It was also good to see Katie today. It's 6:40 – time for my nap LOL!!! Love you guys.

Dear Family,                                                 July -

Well today was really good. We had a slow day but glad it's over. Hope you guys had a good day. How was lunch today? I was looking back on how the house looks. My cell is smaller than the kitchen. Me and my celly just made a hook-up (a ramen noodle, soggy cheeto burrito type thing... no comment... :), so I will let you go so I can eat. Love you guys lots.
                                   Samuel Lee Shelton
                                   (Joshua 1:9)

5 Months Down ~ 115 to go

Questions, when in despair, must always 
point to this:
God is Sovereign
God is all-powerful
God is Love
And God knows what He is doing.

Click on older posts below to see more letters and pictures...


T&L Smith said...

Wow, Cyndie. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. That's all I could think with each letter I read. Oh my. I am thanking God for the evident verbal testimony in your and Samuel's lives. I believe with all my heart God gives grace to the humble and I read that with each letter and with each quote you post. I do not ascribe this to being an easy road to walk; don't misunderstand. What I see (read) is Jesus is walking beside you and lightening this load.

John W. Peterson

1. It's not an easy road we are trav'ling to Heaven,
For many are the thorns on the way;
It's not an easy road but the Savior is with us,
His presence gives us joy ev'ry day.

No, no, it's not an easy road,
No, no, it's not an easy road.
But Jesus walks with me and brightens my journey,
And lightens ev'ry heavy load.

2. It's not an easy road, there are trials and troubles,
And many are the dangers we meet;
But Jesus guards and keeps so that nothing can harm us,
And smooth the rugged path for our feet.


3. Tho' I am often footsore and weary from travel,
Tho' I am often bowed down with care;
A better day is coming when Home in the glory,
We'll rest in perfect peace over there.


Cyndie Shelton said...

Oh precious friend ~ what an encouragement you are to me! That third verse is {{sigh}}...yes...a better day IS coming! Hallelujah! Thank you for posting.