Friday, July 17, 2015

Eighteen Months....Addendum

I meant to post this letter in the blog. This is a letter Samuel wrote to someone else, but he called and read it to us to make sure it was 'appropriate' to send to the person he had in mind. I will share part of it here because we were SO blessed!


.........I really wish things were different, the way my family had to leave camp. But God is in control and He knows best. One thing God has shown me is there are so many mission fields that we don't ever think of like...prisons, college campuses...and so on.

I heard people say my whole life, "How can you be a missionary in another country if you are not one in your own back yard?" This last week has really opened my eyes to the needs of people around me. I have so many chances to share Christ with people in the prison system. It is really exciting to see people hang on EVERY WORD that I say when I talk about Christ's saving grace.

I know the Lord has put me here just for that specific share the Good News of salvation. It is hard for people to understand why God lets things why I'm in here...but, part of it is my free will and my choices, and the other part is...God uses sin sinlessly. I'm not saying what I did was God's will...but that I CHOSE what I did and it was wrong. but now that I have gotten that right, the Lord has given me a BIG Mission Field I never would have thought of going to.

I kind of felt like Jonah in the way that he rebelled against God and God sent the fish (or prison in my case :) ) to show me the right way I need to go. The Lord has really changed my outlook on life and what He has in store for me. I had always wanted to be a missionary ever since I was really little. But as I got older I lost that vision and fell into sin. This sin has limited my ability to serve God in some ways.

My family and I talk about starting a farm and using to help people with addictions (kind of like RU in the Country :) ). I really think this is really the way the Lord wants me to serve Him. I'm still praying about it, will you pray for God to show me wht His will is for me to do?

(And then he writes a couple more paragraphs and signs off).


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