Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Two Years Down....Eight to Go....

Two years down....Already?

Eight years to go....groooooaaaaan....

I vacillate back and forth between sorrow...and great ...JOY...joy at the amazing things God has done over the last 2 years.

I think I mentioned on the one year anniversary last year...that I could still picture that day...the day that our son, Samuel was sentenced to 10 years....TEN YEARS in prison... I still reel from the shock of it all at times. We thought he would get probation...and possibly some time in jail...or at least the bracelet and he could be at home and go to work and church like normal 17-19 year old boys.

No. That was not to be. Oh how I look back and thank God for blessed numbness.

But I...we... focus less on the pain now and more on the amazing things God has done over these last 2 years.

Like, the other day, Samuel told us how MUCH he LOVES his life??? That he is so thankful that, while prison is hard and he hates it at times....he loves his life and that God is using him. He's content because he knows he's in the CENTER of GOD's WILL....Is there any BETTER place to be?

One of the visiting Pastors told him the other day...that now that Samuel's Christian friends had all been staffed out and he was left behind...that HE, Samuel, was to be the anchor there at RYOCF. That he is the "pastor" of these 450 young men. That they NEEDED someone to cheer and guide and help and pray for them. Samuel took that challenge seriously and it made him walk even taller.

There's just something about someone believing in you that makes you rise up to the challenge. The Pastor who challenged him is an ex felon himself from a federal prison...and is ministering at his local prison now ...paying it forward by encouraging and preaching to and praying for these young men.

Samuel KNOWS that is what the Lord is calling him to when he gets out...What else can we do but praise the Lord? I know some of you reading this must be thinking we are "crazy" or that we have some misplaced, masochistic sense of "service to mankind."

No. We just KNOW God brings beauty from Ashes and will even use the darkest, most painful circumstances to grow us and change us and bless others...and most importantly...bring glory to Himself.

So....we will go through another year...expecting only the BEST from our LOVING Heavenly Father.

Samuel successfully finished and graduated from his masonry course...and is now a tutor in that same class! Praise God! He has one of the highest paying jobs in the prison and is thrilled. He also gets to tutor in the GED Social Studies class. Considering his own learning 
disabilities over the years and getting him through school was nothing less
than a miracle...lol ...this is AMAZING!

Their Graduation Commencement Service was outstanding. They treated over 100 young men with respect and kindness. They thought of everything, from choosing an excellent, inspiring speaker to having punch and cookies in a little mini-reception where we could visit with them. We were so proud of him! We can tell that the teachers and staff really care about these guys.

Dear Family,                                                                                                         12-17-15

Things are going great here. School is going really well. This month has been really crazy with Cory and Mike leaving and going to RCI. Also me being close to finishing my project...I should be finished by this upcoming Friday. All we have left is the patio to finish with a small fireplace on top of it.

Tonight's Bible Study was pretty interesting. It was about marriage. We are going through a book called Malachi Dads - The Heart of a Father.  It is a really good book. It starts out with salvation then builds from there on up. 

From what I hear, we will be having our Christmas Services this up coming Tuesday and Thursday. One is a singspiration and the other is our regular Bible Study.

Sorry I started writing in print and then switched to cursive. I need to practice cursive writing more so I don't forget. Besides this is a lot easier on my hand. 
The weather has been pretty nice this winter so far. But I'm sure we will pay for it in some way later on.

So my celly left as I said earlier on in this letter. it's nice not having anyone in the cell for a bit. It's really quiet and I can listen to what ever music I want without putting my headphones in. For the most part I've been listening to VCY all day. I did hear one of my favorite songs though on the country station too.

Man I can't believe it's almost Christmas. It really feels like last year just ended. WOW. Today is 1 year and 10 months to the exact day-- almost two years down. Well I got to go...it's time for 9:30 standing count.

Well today is Friday. It was pretty normal for the most part  - with masonry class and everything. Brody and I finally finished our final project. we also got our final grades. Mine was an 84%, a B letter grade. The main thing that did my grade in was the part of the test that was "print reading"...ugh. Monday will be my last day. we finished 6 hours ahead of time. That was cool.

I now have a new celly...he seems pretty nice. 

It's Saturday morning and the temperature is very very very cold but there is still no snow on the ground. They say it will not be a white Christmas. :(

I had a really good visit with y'all today. I really enjoy it when we have thought-provoking conversations. They really make me think of what I need to change in my spiritual life. Well got to go for now.

Well, it is the day after Christmas. I had a GREAT visit with my family in the morning. It is always good to see them. It was the BEST Christmas gift I could have gotten from them.
Chapel was really good today. It was about Christ being the second Adam and not following the lust of the eyes or flesh and the pride of life. 

Well it is almost time for 11:10 count, so I'm going to let you go.
Till I write again...
Love, Samuel Shelton Joshusa 1:9

And here's our Christmas Pic this year:
(love that SMILE on his face!)

Operation Christmas Card was a success again this year!
 Thank you to all who participated!

We received this hand-made Christmas Card from some of the young men that we have had an opportunity to be an encouragement to or to befriend. We love and pray for these guys.

This one was taken in November:
He is just very content to be where God is using him! I can't tell you how many times we leave our visit and WE'RE the ones encouraged! He is an amazing young man! :)

Just listened to this song over and over today ...it was a huge blessing and comfort to my hurting heart today...
If We're Honest ~ by Francesca Battiscelli

And on February 5th, Samuel turned 21. Prison was not part of our plan...but God's plans and purposes are 
always greater and best.

We also did a Smile-Box for him to commemorate the occasion:

Valentine's Day was EXTRA Special today:

This hand made Valentine's Day card was made for us by Samuel's friend Shane. I LOVED it!

And for a little fun: 

If you have a facebook account you can go watch this special karaoke music video Lee & I did for Valentine's Day! :) 
It was so much fun! It's called "We Were Meant To Be"

I want to end with a post that I made today on Facebook:
(It's a little mini-rant)

And finally...I cannot leave off without asking you...do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? He is THE ONLY way to make it through life's toughest challenges....

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