Saturday, February 18, 2017

Happy Third Year Anniversary To Us! :)


As we sat visiting with Samuel last night laughing and sharing and talking and praising the Lord for His goodness.... it's hard to imagine all of  that was taking place in the visiting room of a youthful offender's prison.

But that's where we were.

But... you would have never known it. That's called God's Grace.

It still hurts... but the hurt fades... as all hurts eventually do... and you start to see all the wonderful things our wonderful God has done!

So even though it has been a year since I have written an update on this blog... there is really not a lot of news... so I am going to spend a few moments sharing all the amazing things the Lord has done through this heavy trial for HIS GLORY and OUR GOOD!

Side Note: This blog is called Letters From Samuel... but I think we only received one letter from Samuel this year... we talk to him every day and see him a couple times a week so he saves his precious stamped envelopes for far away family and friends.

Some of the things we were rehearsing last night and Praising the Lord for:

  • God's ABSOLUTE goodness and grace.

  • Samuel is an amazingly cheerful and godly young man. The character we observe in him on a weekly basis and his growth in the things of the Lord amaze, humble, and thrill us. We have no greater joy than to know that he is walking in truth. We know without a doubt that a large part of God's wondrous work in his heart and life (and ours) is a direct result of him going to prison. It wasn't the going to prison that was as hard so much... as the harsh length given. But we continue to trust God in that regard!

  • We hear good reports from the guards regularly how Samuel is a "mentor" to many of the young men incarcerated there. Or that he is always cheerful. Or hardworking. And is a good influence on those around him. God is answering our prayer that Samuel would be a Joseph while incarcerated.

  • He told us recently that he tries to tell at least 5 guys a day that "Jesus loves you." You can imagine the varying responses... :) But he is being light. And many guys are hearing for the first time that someone loves them. Praise God. 

  • The Lord continues to provide physically and financially for the added monthly expenses of having an incarcerated family member. 

  • Lee and I are healing and able to rejoice and see all the little "beauties" that God is bringing out of ashes.

  • I want to be careful with this one... but the three of us are all SO thankful that we are not the same people we were 4 years ago when this all first came to light. God has brought us out of some cult-like thinking and realizing that we have lived much of our Christian lives pleasing men rather than God. That didn't work out too well. It's bondage. But now we are free and joyful in that freedom. There is great freedom in finding who you are in Christ and being who God meant YOU to be... and that you don't have to fit a cookie-cutter pattern to be a born-again Christ-lover.

  • We are thankful that Samuel's future is in God's Hands. No great revelation there... but humanly speaking... his future could look very grim: Seven more years in prison. Ten years of probation. Lifetime registry as a sexual offender. Can't ever vote. Can't ever hunt with a gun. Can't live in some towns. Ministry limitations... broken dreams... BUT FOR GOD! So... we are actually EXCITED to see how God is going to open doors and direct and lead and give him a full and useful life for the Lord regardless of his circumstance!! HALLELUJAH!!


So as we begin our fourth year in this wonderful plan that God is unfolding in our lives... we look forward with joy and anticipation of a greater work in all of our hearts and lives ...poured out for Him and His glory!!

And we mean that with all of our hearts. :)

Thank you dear family and friends for your many prayers and encouragement to our family. We put together a prayer group on Facebook for Samuel and he is so thankful for all the support and prayers for him... and for us. Thank you. God is Good.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, christmas tree and text

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