Thursday, April 24, 2014


Dear Family,                                        4/24/2014

Things are going well here. To save me an envelope, my celly said I could send this letter with his thank you card for the Easter card and money you sent him.

I can't wait to see you guys. We have had outside Rec for two days! It's fun to play soccer again. Things have not changed with my staffing. I am still waiting to find out where I will be staffed. Maybe next week. Not very often do guys get staffed on Friday. Today we had canteen. I got three boxes of cakes, five envelopes, 15 ramen noodles, and some shampoo.

I just finished Acts in my Bible reading. It was really interesting to see what the early church went through and compare it to what we may face as Christians very shortly.

How are things going there? Any new news on the house? How are the church families doing? I miss you guys and love you so much. Hope to hear from you all soon. Can't wait to have a  

on Saturday Today is Thursday. I love you guys very much. Hope you guys are doing ok. May God bless you till I write again.

                                                                 ♥ Love,
                                                 Shelton ♥

p.s. Praying for you guys.

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