Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Focusing On the Postive ~ Choosing To Give Thanks

Hello Friends~

This month's blog is about focusing on the positive and choosing to give thanks. Our world is so scary and horrible things are happening all around us. Then we have our daily lives to contend with...the daily struggles...the brokenness...the financial struggles...the heartaches...

But God has promised to NEVER leave us or forsake us. He has promised grace for each moment. He gives peace in our hearts that pass understanding...and although things all around us are falling apart...He promises Joy Unspeakable.

We continue to ...well I started to say "plod along"...but actually it is so much more than that. There are discouraging days to be sure...but mostly we are thriving...it's only because of the Lord.

If we had to go through this without Him ...I know we wouldn't make it. Many of you could say the same thing for whatever your current trial may be.

Update on Tay (Devonte - our Godson)

I wish I could say I have good news.. Here are some pictures from the day we went and picked him up from prison in August....

Unfortunately...the day we dropped him off...our hearts were heavy...we just knew that it wasn't going to be good. But we had no idea he would completely cut us off.

He unfriended us on Facebook and wouldn't return our messages. I was completely DUMBFOUNDED! My heart was heavy as I grieved for him. We had even gone up to meet with his Parole Officer to make arrangements to be involved in his life. But he cut us out. It hurt pretty bad....we didn't see that one coming.

We still pray for him and hope that someday he will look us up. Samuel and many of the guys at prison were pretty upset with him. Lee thinks that the longer it goes...he probably is too embarrassed. None of that matters to us. We just pray that God will get ahold of his heart and work in his life in a mighty way! Will you please pray for him?

Latest Letters From Samuel...

Dear Family,                                   10-18-15

Well, things are going well hear (oops misspelled here). I really enjoyed our visit on Saturday. It is a lot of fun to dream of getting out. It is hard to believe I will be in the double digits after this month.

So let me tell you what's been going on this week. Sunday was pretty normal for me. I got to go outside at 7:20am. On school days I only get half of that day room. After that I was locked in my sell til 9:00am. After I called you guys I went and played football in the gym for a half hour. After that I was lazy the rest of the day. I did watch the Packer game. I'm glad they won. :)

Monday was mundane hahaha. It was a training day so there was no movement. So I slept all morning till 11:10 standing count. After that Cory and I watched TV and chilled...pretty boring.

Today is Tuesday and it was so good to get back to school. I never thought I would say that. :) This is my kind of learning though...it is all hands on. One of the best ways to learn a trade is by trial and error. I did take my final exam today. All I need is 70% to pass. I did the extra credit question but think I bombed the second part of the test. But the teacher said if I did well on the first part I should pass.


On Tuesday I had a visit with a very special person. :) It is always good to see my mom. Those visits make my whole week. If she did not come to see me I don't think I would make it. She is a bright spot in my whole week. We always have really good conversations. Most of the time she is encouraging me to stay strong. She is my favorite hero. Both my parents are my heroes. They always come visit me and encourage me. I thank God for them every day.

Well last night I wrote Kazmine (his cousin) a letter and this letter to you guys. I love you guys so much. Till I write again.

Love you guys for everything you do and thank you for all the sacrifices you make for me.

I will always love you. Well got to go for now...it is getting late.

Love Your Only Son,

Samuel Lee Shelton

Dear Family, 10-21-15

hi, Hope you are all doing well. Things are going normal here.

Wednesday was normal...I had masonry and that is it really. I passed my test just by the skin of my teeth. All I needed to pass was a 70%. I am glad I passed because the test was really hard. It had 150 questions. Most of them were multiple choice...I think around 95 of them were. The rest were all fill in the blank...and me being not that good at spelling...they scared me. :)...BUT I did pass...so praise the Lord!

Thursday was pretty boring....just school and so on. We did have a good Bible study. It was about salvation and what you must do to be saved. Not too much happened after that.

Friday was loooong, like normal. :) I don't know why, but the last day of the school week is always the longest. We have to clean up the shop at the end of the day...but that is the best part of the school week because you can see light at the end of the tunnel.

And last but not least...today. :) Today was one of my most blessed days because I got to see my family for two hours. Today's visit was really fun. I won in Euchre for the first in a long time. :)

Well it has been a whole week that I have written anything. Things are going good here. Last night we had a good Revelation Bible study. We were in chapter 4...and talking about the 24 Elders around the Throne.

Yesterday's visit was a lot of fun. It is really nice to be able to dream about the future. I had a great time with you guys. Thank you for coming to see me.

This week was really hard for me having shingles all week. It was hard to do anything because of the pain. But it has been getting better.

Monday I was able to go to Bible study in the morning for half an hour. Then I went to Masonry. I really enjoy this program.

On Tuesday I came really close to finishing my block brick pier column. It was fun. I also had a great visit with you Mom. We always have a great time together. We played cards and talked for the most part. My favorite part of the visit is near the end when we read the Bible together and talk about it.

Well on Wednesday I got graded on my column...Mr. B gave me a 88%. This is one of the best grades I have gotten so far. After that the rest of the day was pretty normal. :)
Yesterday I got to start a project in the morning and finished it in the afternoon. It was a glass block project. I received a grade of 89% on that one! Yay! Bible study Thursday night was good as well.

Well sorry to cut this short. This is my last sheet of paper I have right now.

I really love y'all. Till I get more paper...

Love Your Son,
Samuel Lee Shelton Joshua 1:9

This beautiful song below has been such a blessing to me of late. I have been listening to it all month. I grew up listening to Jerry Lewis sing this (sometimes croaking it out he was so hoarse...and he usually cried at the end) at the end of the Muscular Dsytrophy Telethon he used to host. Do you remember that? :)

You'll Never Walk Alone

Oooh and after putting that one above I heard this one...This is one of Samuels' favorites:

Homeward Bound

Please keep praying for Samuel. He doesn't get any visitors besides us now and doesn't get many letters these days....BUT people have to go on with their lives...we know that...but the time stretches long for him. He tries to stay encouraged...He really misses church and some of the little things we take for granted. They actually had yogurt in the vending machines ago and Lee and I teared up just watching him eat something he hadn't had in almost 2 years and his absolute delight in it! :) It's the silly things I guess...

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone! :)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

20 Months ~ Settling Into Our New Life

Well today is the 17th. Today is 20 months. But life gets sweeter and wraps around the pain. We have so many good times together. We often leave from our visits on Saturdays and remark about how much fun we just had.

Visiting our son in prison.

We talk and talk and play cards and read the Bible and sing. We try to get so much in in that short 2 hour visit. And the laughter...oh how much we laugh! God gets all the praise and glory for that!

We often laugh --because we know we are on camera-- that they are in MCS (control room) laughing at the Shelton's and their antics again...We are convinced we probably even have our own YouTube channel they created about us. We're THAT funny. ;)

Well maybe not...but we probably do seem pretty...weird. That's okay. We have fun! :)

September passed as did my "_"th birthday. I got this most lovely letter from my beloved son:

Dear Mom,

I'm so sorry your Birthday card is not on time. I really enjoyed spending it with you and dad. I really love you and care about you. I hope you like your card. :)

I really enjoyed our visit on Tuesday night. I really appreciate the sacrifice you make every week (*Note: As IF it is a sacrifice! :) ) It gives me something to look forward to!

I listened to Cross Talk and was really moved. I really have a burden to see people saved. I can't wait to talk to Vince tomorrow!

Things are going really good here. My Masonry is going really well. I have finished 6 projects out of 19. I am doing well and having a blast! Wednesday Brodie and I will start our two-man project. We are supposed to have it done in 24 hours.

So how are things going at home? Can you send me pictures of the cat and dog together?

Well, again I want to wish you a Happy Happy Birthday!

With Much Love,
Your Son,
Samuel Shelton Joshua 1:9

In September we had the most LOVELY visit with our Pastor and his wife from Ohio - Pastor Marvin and Beverly Gassman! We had a blast! It was short - but sweet. It was Beverly's idea that I start updating the blog when we actually receive letters from Samuel rather than doing larger posts more rarely. I LIKE that idea...won't be so overwhelming!

Well today in our visit Samuel told us that he gets to teach Sunday School songs to the guys in Thursday night Bible Study!! He says they actually have a blast...they feel a little foolish 'Marching In The Infantry' or doing the motions to 'His Banner Over Me Is Love'...but that having fun wins out and they actually all do the motions every week! I love that. :)

We would like to send special thanks to all of you that pray for him (and us) on a daily, weekly, or just whenever the Lord brings us to your mind basis. You don't know how much that means. You have prayed us through much sorrow and concern. We love you all! :)

On a final note - someone provided a hymnbook... a REAL hymnbook to Samuel so he can sing the songs of the faith again! How that has thrilled his soul! (This mom is glad to hear that). Thank you to so many people for your generosity and love to our family! :)

Friday, July 17, 2015

Eighteen Months... A Month Early :) --- And A Glorious Unfolding (pt 1)

Note: It will actually not be 18 months until August...I had my timing off... :) but I had already written the blog before I realized it and I didn't want to wait another WHOLE month!....So I decided that it would be much easier to change the title instead.... :)


Eighteen months. A year-and-a-half. I am trying to decide which one sounds shorter. And decide on neither. I like the sound of "8 years, and some change," as Samuel puts it. No, I guess I don't really like that either. Doesn't matter. It is what it is. 
But what a somber way to start this blogpost. It seriously has gone fast....and at the same time stretches endlessly out in front of us. [sigh]

But whichever way we look at it, the reality of our lives is our son is in prison for a very, very long time. It seems so harsh at times. My husband said recently that if punishment was the objective...a couple of years would have done that. Easily. But we sense deep in our souls...this is not just about punishment. God has GREATER more HOLY objectives that go way beyond our understanding.

We have settled into a routine. All things do...whether we like it or not...our 'new normal' people call it. I miss my old normal. Well. that's not completely true. Because -- we have changed much. All three of us...and I wouldn't go back. God has been too good...done so much, blessed and broken and bottled our tears. But oh...how I long for His return. I bet you do too. :) Things are getting more and more frightening out there. But, that topic is for another blog. :)

A lot has happened in these last few months. I will try to remember most of it. I write scraps of things down to put in the blog. I post things on facebook so I can remember some of them. I pray and ask God to show me what to write.


I wanted to start out with this post from Matt Herbster: (shared with permission).

So appreciate and value this perspective. From my own experience, I can most assuredly say, this is truth!

Two years ago today, Julie (39 years old and my wife of almost 18 years), went to be with the Lord after a 10 month battle with colon cancer. There is absolutely no way to describe to you what it feels like to lose your wife and lose the mother to your 5 young children. The hurt lessens, but it never really stops. But you know what else never stops? The overwhelming confidence that God is forever good and faithful! “Strength for today bright hope for tomorrow!” Psalm 40:5 says, “You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts towards us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of the, yet they are more than can be told.”
Shortly before Julie died, I had these blue (for colon cancer) bands made. They say “Trust and Fight.” Trust God completely and fight cancer aggressively was our motto. I decided to keep wearing the band because I need the reminder daily to trust God and fight the good fight of faith. I don’t want to forget the lessons learned through Julie’s 10 month battle with cancer and the months after her death. What are those lessons?
Lesson #1: Trust His Word – when He says He will work all for good – he means ALL and he means for GOOD. I had no idea how God was going to fulfill this promise and I still don’t understand it all, but He IS working it all for good. When God says He will remain faithful – you can bank on it. One of primary ways God has shown His faithfulness and goodness to me is by bringing an amazing lady into our family. I can’t explain to you the blessing Tiffany has been. It would be impossible to describe to you all that she has taken on and handled with unparalleled grace. At every turn she has embraced this situation as her assignment from God. God’s goodness to me has been most evident to me recently in bringing Tiffany into my life. I love you, Tiffany! You are my hero.
Lesson #2: There are a lot of hurting people - When we are told that God will comfort us so we can comfort others –it is true (II Corinthians 1)! God has provided countless opportunities for me to share and seek to be a comfort to others. I pray I will continue to grow in being able to “weep with those who weep.” To Dave, Brian, Brian, Thomas, Gary, Steven and Jason (all men who have recently lost their wife): I’m praying for you consistently that God will be your comfort and hope!
Lesson #3: Keeping a Biblically informed perspective on life is crucial every single day!
Romans 8:18 – “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall follow.” God knows what he is doing. According to Paul, the difficulties we are dealing with here are “momentary and light” (2 Cor. 4:17-18). “Set your affection on things above” (Colossians 3). If we truly believe that God is in control, we will not fall apart when things are falling apart all around us. A trial may rock our world, but it should not shatter our faith. Bitterness, discontentment, anger and depression only come when we refuse to filter our circumstances through the grid of God’s Word. Truth provides perspective so we can view the trials of this life through the eyes of a sovereign God. “Walk by faith, not by sight” (II Cor 5:7). I need to be in God’s Word every single day so my thinking (perspective) is informed correctly. Don’t undervalue the importance of the Scriptures! Your perspective will be completely off if you are not immersed in the Truth of God’s Word. Remember, understanding God is not a prerequisite for trusting God!
Lesson #4 Love and serve your wife! You have no idea how much time you have left. Don’t take her for granted. Serve her in the home. You’re not too important or “manly” to help around the house. You may think you know how much your wife does at home, but I doubt it. She does more than you think. Don’t belittle her, berate her or criticize her. Everyone should know that you know that she is the best thing that has ever happened to you! Take time today to express that to her! Husbands, take time every day to clearly show your wife how much you appreciate her. You need her more than you realize.
Thank you to so many of you who have faithfully prayed for our family. We could not have made it without your prayers. “My heart is fixed, I will sing and give praise to God!” Psalm 57:7
What God ordains is always good! This truth remains unshaken!
No comment needed. None, except... AMEN. 

I will just start with some posts I have made over the past few months to give you an update:
I want to share a couple of highlights and updates about Samuel.
1) So we had a great visit with Samuel (and Tay) this past weekend. Before we left Samuel turned to dad, and asked, "Dad, are you happy?" Dad assured him he's trying... tongue emoticon ...then Samuel said, "I am!" When I asked why - rhetorically - he simply stated, "Because our family is closer than it's ever been, and I am closer to Jesus than I have ever been!" Then he went on to remind us about the ending to a movie we had seen some time ago, called Last Flight Out, where a missionary doctor gets shot by drug lords in Columbia. As he is dying in the arms of the unsaved pilot he has been witnessing to, the doctor tells the pilot that, "I am in the safest place I can be..." (even though he knows he is dying), ..."because I am RIGHT in the center of God's Will!" Well Samuel said the same is true for him! Praise the Lord - that makes ME happy! grin emoticon
2) He has been rather hungry at times because of getting shorted on food servings (by servers trying to be "funny"), or sometimes they just don't get enough food (the prison throws it away rather than let the guys eat it. So if there are only 2 slices of bread eaten out of a loaf - they throw it away. If there are 30 cinnamon rolls left...they throw them away). And now that Samuel is not working in the kitchen he doesn't get extra food. So he's hungry (and skinny) and they don't get much protein... So, God used some very kind and generous people to put money on his account (we haven't been able to do that for months...) so he can purchase some extra food to have in his cell for when he gets hungry at night; such as peanut butter and crackers, beans and rice, ramen noodles, etc...Our hearts continue to be HUMBLED and OVERWHELMED at the kindness of our God to us through others. Praise the Lord.
3) Some of the guys like to pick on Samuel - mostly over that "he works too hard and makes them look bad." (Seriously!) smile emoticon But one guy in particular, "B" has been rather mean, but, he IS getting out in 27 days. Samuel said yesterday, that B was rubbing Samuel's nose in the fact that he still has 9 years to serve and that he, B, gets out in just a few weeks. Samuel told him that he is really happy and excited for him. The guy replied with, "You're an IDIOT!" lol After a few more choice sentences from B, Samuel told him that it brings him joy to think about B being out, and getting a fresh start, and getting a job, and going on with life... B just looked at him and said again, "You're still an IDIOT!" Samuel just laughs. He knows that even in small little ways like that, he can show he's different and hopefully will get to tell B why before he leaves...please pray for an opportunity. They work together in laundry every day.
Sorry for the length of this update...we want you to know how much we appreciate your kindness to and prayers for our family. It means so much.
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"Lord, thank You for the great love You lavished on us when You sent Your Son to die and be resurrected so that we could be with You eternally. In response, help us to love others. Lord, we want to be like You.
Embracing God’s love for us is the key to loving others." ~Priceless Sims

 · 11

13 Months Down. 107 to go. God is good.
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Not sure if you know who Pastor Saeed Abedini is, but he is imprisoned in Iran (he is an American) for his faith. We pray for him and his family constantly. He could use your prayers too. As soon as I start to feel sorry for myself...I think of him and his family, and the AWFUL conditions he is imprisoned with--as well as not ever being able to see his wife and children.

Free Saeed.

The wife of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran said prison guards are threatening to extend the sentence for her husband who was detained in 2012 over his...

This hymn has brought much comfort to us:

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heav’nly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future, as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below.
Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart,
And all is darkened in the vale of tears,
Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears.
Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay
From His own fullness all He takes away.
Be still, my soul: the hour is hast’ning on
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Be still, my soul: begin the song of praise
On earth, believing, to Thy Lord on high;
Acknowledge Him in all thy words and ways,
So shall He view thee with a well-pleased eye.
Be still, my soul: the Sun of life divine
Through passing clouds shall but more brightly shine.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge!

Our most EXCITING news happened in March. We became first-time home owners! :)
As of March 23, 2015, 5:30pm, we are the proud (and happy) owners of this home @ N7461 County Rd. H, Elkhorn, WI 53121!!
Praise the Lord for His provision! What a journey~but we are so thankful!

The bedroom. We still need to get bi-fold doors on the closet.



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We didn't get to spend Easter Day with Samuel, but we got to speak with him on the phone...and as always he's very near to us in heart. ♥

Just as He said! I am so glad to be serving a Risen Savior rather than a dead poet/prophet/sage/scholar/leader/wise-man - or any other personage - living or dead! God paid too High a Price - by sending His Own Beloved Son, to pay for and die for my sins - for there to be any other way to Heaven. Do you know Him?


In April we had the privilege of singing in Charissa and Alan DeJesus' wedding. They are dear friends of ours, and Charissa is one of Samuel's best friends and like a sister to him. :)
It was beautiful!


April 17th--14 Months Down. 106 to go. God is good. #feb17th


Dear Family,                               May, 2015

Things are going well here. I really miss you guys. Time is getting harder now that the honeymoon period is over. Reality has set in. But this is where I as a human need to let go and let God take over. I knew this day was coming but I wish it would not have come so soon.

On the good side of things, I only have 106 months, then you get to see me come home. I still wish I didn't have that long left. 

Other than that, things are going pretty well. The guys in laundry are still not talking to me, but that really shows the maturity level of the guys I work with. It's nice having G (G is the CO in charge of laundry) back down at laundry, it gives me someone to talk to.

This afternoon at one o'clock I played two games of basketball with Vince. Well, sad to say he won both games. Then at 5:30 we played Around the World...we had a lot of fun. Vince went to Community Service at 6:30 after dayroom, so I thought I could write this long overdue letter to my wonderful family. :)

I hope you had a good Mother's Day. Wish I was out to spend it with you both. But...getting to talk to the BEST mom in the world made it a little easier for me. Every day I thank God for you, Mom.

Well, it's 7:14, and Vince wants me to have a Bible Study ready when he comes back...so I am going to sign off for now.

In Love and in Christ,
Your Loving Son,
Samuel Lee Shelton


Mother's Day & Father's Day are probably the hardest for us. I know I don't need to explain. I also know that there are also a lot of other Moms & Dads that have it worse than we do. Our hearts go out to them. ♥♥♥

This is MY Mother's Day... :) I am blessed! ♥

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