Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Focusing On the Postive ~ Choosing To Give Thanks

Hello Friends~

This month's blog is about focusing on the positive and choosing to give thanks. Our world is so scary and horrible things are happening all around us. Then we have our daily lives to contend with...the daily struggles...the brokenness...the financial struggles...the heartaches...

But God has promised to NEVER leave us or forsake us. He has promised grace for each moment. He gives peace in our hearts that pass understanding...and although things all around us are falling apart...He promises Joy Unspeakable.

We continue to ...well I started to say "plod along"...but actually it is so much more than that. There are discouraging days to be sure...but mostly we are thriving...it's only because of the Lord.

If we had to go through this without Him ...I know we wouldn't make it. Many of you could say the same thing for whatever your current trial may be.

Update on Tay (Devonte - our Godson)

I wish I could say I have good news.. Here are some pictures from the day we went and picked him up from prison in August....

Unfortunately...the day we dropped him off...our hearts were heavy...we just knew that it wasn't going to be good. But we had no idea he would completely cut us off.

He unfriended us on Facebook and wouldn't return our messages. I was completely DUMBFOUNDED! My heart was heavy as I grieved for him. We had even gone up to meet with his Parole Officer to make arrangements to be involved in his life. But he cut us out. It hurt pretty bad....we didn't see that one coming.

We still pray for him and hope that someday he will look us up. Samuel and many of the guys at prison were pretty upset with him. Lee thinks that the longer it goes...he probably is too embarrassed. None of that matters to us. We just pray that God will get ahold of his heart and work in his life in a mighty way! Will you please pray for him?

Latest Letters From Samuel...

Dear Family,                                   10-18-15

Well, things are going well hear (oops misspelled here). I really enjoyed our visit on Saturday. It is a lot of fun to dream of getting out. It is hard to believe I will be in the double digits after this month.

So let me tell you what's been going on this week. Sunday was pretty normal for me. I got to go outside at 7:20am. On school days I only get half of that day room. After that I was locked in my sell til 9:00am. After I called you guys I went and played football in the gym for a half hour. After that I was lazy the rest of the day. I did watch the Packer game. I'm glad they won. :)

Monday was mundane hahaha. It was a training day so there was no movement. So I slept all morning till 11:10 standing count. After that Cory and I watched TV and chilled...pretty boring.

Today is Tuesday and it was so good to get back to school. I never thought I would say that. :) This is my kind of learning though...it is all hands on. One of the best ways to learn a trade is by trial and error. I did take my final exam today. All I need is 70% to pass. I did the extra credit question but think I bombed the second part of the test. But the teacher said if I did well on the first part I should pass.


On Tuesday I had a visit with a very special person. :) It is always good to see my mom. Those visits make my whole week. If she did not come to see me I don't think I would make it. She is a bright spot in my whole week. We always have really good conversations. Most of the time she is encouraging me to stay strong. She is my favorite hero. Both my parents are my heroes. They always come visit me and encourage me. I thank God for them every day.

Well last night I wrote Kazmine (his cousin) a letter and this letter to you guys. I love you guys so much. Till I write again.

Love you guys for everything you do and thank you for all the sacrifices you make for me.

I will always love you. Well got to go for now...it is getting late.

Love Your Only Son,

Samuel Lee Shelton

Dear Family, 10-21-15

hi, Hope you are all doing well. Things are going normal here.

Wednesday was normal...I had masonry and that is it really. I passed my test just by the skin of my teeth. All I needed to pass was a 70%. I am glad I passed because the test was really hard. It had 150 questions. Most of them were multiple choice...I think around 95 of them were. The rest were all fill in the blank...and me being not that good at spelling...they scared me. :)...BUT I did pass...so praise the Lord!

Thursday was pretty boring....just school and so on. We did have a good Bible study. It was about salvation and what you must do to be saved. Not too much happened after that.

Friday was loooong, like normal. :) I don't know why, but the last day of the school week is always the longest. We have to clean up the shop at the end of the day...but that is the best part of the school week because you can see light at the end of the tunnel.

And last but not least...today. :) Today was one of my most blessed days because I got to see my family for two hours. Today's visit was really fun. I won in Euchre for the first in a long time. :)

Well it has been a whole week that I have written anything. Things are going good here. Last night we had a good Revelation Bible study. We were in chapter 4...and talking about the 24 Elders around the Throne.

Yesterday's visit was a lot of fun. It is really nice to be able to dream about the future. I had a great time with you guys. Thank you for coming to see me.

This week was really hard for me having shingles all week. It was hard to do anything because of the pain. But it has been getting better.

Monday I was able to go to Bible study in the morning for half an hour. Then I went to Masonry. I really enjoy this program.

On Tuesday I came really close to finishing my block brick pier column. It was fun. I also had a great visit with you Mom. We always have a great time together. We played cards and talked for the most part. My favorite part of the visit is near the end when we read the Bible together and talk about it.

Well on Wednesday I got graded on my column...Mr. B gave me a 88%. This is one of the best grades I have gotten so far. After that the rest of the day was pretty normal. :)
Yesterday I got to start a project in the morning and finished it in the afternoon. It was a glass block project. I received a grade of 89% on that one! Yay! Bible study Thursday night was good as well.

Well sorry to cut this short. This is my last sheet of paper I have right now.

I really love y'all. Till I get more paper...

Love Your Son,
Samuel Lee Shelton Joshua 1:9

This beautiful song below has been such a blessing to me of late. I have been listening to it all month. I grew up listening to Jerry Lewis sing this (sometimes croaking it out he was so hoarse...and he usually cried at the end) at the end of the Muscular Dsytrophy Telethon he used to host. Do you remember that? :)

You'll Never Walk Alone

Oooh and after putting that one above I heard this one...This is one of Samuels' favorites:

Homeward Bound

Please keep praying for Samuel. He doesn't get any visitors besides us now and doesn't get many letters these days....BUT people have to go on with their lives...we know that...but the time stretches long for him. He tries to stay encouraged...He really misses church and some of the little things we take for granted. They actually had yogurt in the vending machines ago and Lee and I teared up just watching him eat something he hadn't had in almost 2 years and his absolute delight in it! :) It's the silly things I guess...

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone! :)

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