Saturday, October 17, 2015

20 Months ~ Settling Into Our New Life

Well today is the 17th. Today is 20 months. But life gets sweeter and wraps around the pain. We have so many good times together. We often leave from our visits on Saturdays and remark about how much fun we just had.

Visiting our son in prison.

We talk and talk and play cards and read the Bible and sing. We try to get so much in in that short 2 hour visit. And the laughter...oh how much we laugh! God gets all the praise and glory for that!

We often laugh --because we know we are on camera-- that they are in MCS (control room) laughing at the Shelton's and their antics again...We are convinced we probably even have our own YouTube channel they created about us. We're THAT funny. ;)

Well maybe not...but we probably do seem pretty...weird. That's okay. We have fun! :)

September passed as did my "_"th birthday. I got this most lovely letter from my beloved son:

Dear Mom,

I'm so sorry your Birthday card is not on time. I really enjoyed spending it with you and dad. I really love you and care about you. I hope you like your card. :)

I really enjoyed our visit on Tuesday night. I really appreciate the sacrifice you make every week (*Note: As IF it is a sacrifice! :) ) It gives me something to look forward to!

I listened to Cross Talk and was really moved. I really have a burden to see people saved. I can't wait to talk to Vince tomorrow!

Things are going really good here. My Masonry is going really well. I have finished 6 projects out of 19. I am doing well and having a blast! Wednesday Brodie and I will start our two-man project. We are supposed to have it done in 24 hours.

So how are things going at home? Can you send me pictures of the cat and dog together?

Well, again I want to wish you a Happy Happy Birthday!

With Much Love,
Your Son,
Samuel Shelton Joshua 1:9

In September we had the most LOVELY visit with our Pastor and his wife from Ohio - Pastor Marvin and Beverly Gassman! We had a blast! It was short - but sweet. It was Beverly's idea that I start updating the blog when we actually receive letters from Samuel rather than doing larger posts more rarely. I LIKE that idea...won't be so overwhelming!

Well today in our visit Samuel told us that he gets to teach Sunday School songs to the guys in Thursday night Bible Study!! He says they actually have a blast...they feel a little foolish 'Marching In The Infantry' or doing the motions to 'His Banner Over Me Is Love'...but that having fun wins out and they actually all do the motions every week! I love that. :)

We would like to send special thanks to all of you that pray for him (and us) on a daily, weekly, or just whenever the Lord brings us to your mind basis. You don't know how much that means. You have prayed us through much sorrow and concern. We love you all! :)

On a final note - someone provided a hymnbook... a REAL hymnbook to Samuel so he can sing the songs of the faith again! How that has thrilled his soul! (This mom is glad to hear that). Thank you to so many people for your generosity and love to our family! :)

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