Monday, March 10, 2014



Last night was the best night of sleep I have had in three weeks. Breakfast was ok this morning.
Just finished lunch – beef stew, bread, salad, broccoli, and milk. It was one of the better lunches. Hopefully you will get my letter I sent you on Thursday evening.

Today 33 more people are coming in to Unit 19 so I should be moving hopefully. When you write could you send me Ohio State's standing in March Madness please?

One thing that is true: God is God and we are not.

I love you guys so much and hope to talk to you soon.

Well I did not get moved today. But we won't even go tomorrow because it is a training day. So maybe on Wednesday I will get moved.

Well, God knows where I'm at. The 'swamper” said there are still people here from last Wednesday. It will be a long time before I get to see you again...

Mom, how is the online work coming? Can't wait to hear from you. Dad, how has work been the last few weeks? Have you got to talk with anyone at work about Jesus?

How is Sandie (our golden retriever) doing I miss her. Do the Joneses play with her when they come over? Has she completely taken over my room now that I am gone?

Have the Handley's moved to WI yet? Can't wait to hear from you guys, it's been four days since I sent you guys two letters...hope you got them.

Only seven more days till one month is in the book. When I got up this morning and looked outside, I thought of my family. The sun was shining so bright and there was not a cloud in the sky. That was a smile from God I think – to let me know He still is in control of me and my destination. Can't wait for the “afterwords” to come.

Time seems to go slower when you are locked up all day long, but it gives you a lot of time to think....not just about what I have done, but what I will be able to do when I get out.

Dad was right when he said I needed to be ready for this time when I can't see you guys. I think when I get moved I want to live close to my family. You guys mean so much to me. Thank you for adopting me. All my life I have taken advantage of the privilege of having two godly parents. Thank you guys so much for loving me even with my short-comings.

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