Saturday, March 8, 2014


Dear Family~                                        3/8/2014

So as to save stamps, I am going to write one long letter all week long.
Just got up from a good nap. Not much to do but write and think. I have the top bed in the cell so a night it's hard for me to get down and go to the restroom.
How is the church doing? How are things going with Dad's work? Is he on first shift yet? Did you start the house-buying process?
Almost time for me to go get my shower then get locked down for the rest of the weekend. Hopefully by next Wednesday I'll be in another unit, but it all depends on how many people are transported.
By the end of these years you will have a whole book of letters from me. Please keep all of them and put them in a 3-ring binder for me.

Just played two games of chess. I lost again. But I will get better.

Man, do I feel lazy over the last two days. I have done nothing but sleep and eat and write y'all.

Time goes so slow when you're locked up all day long. Can't wait to be out of Unit 19 and on to where I will be for the rest of my time. God knows where I am and He will protect me at all times.

I have been praying for you and dad a lot. When I was told I was leaving the county jail I was sad, but glad as well to be moving on. When we got here it took them forever to process us, but everything is going smoothly now. One thing is there is no Sunday service for us guys in Unit 19, but hopefully next week I'll be moved and will be able to go to one.

I miss not being able to talk to you guys. But this 5-day lockdown will be over soon and I will be able to talk to you again. There is always an “afterwords.”

Just finished lunch. The food is a lot better than what I got in the county jail. We had chicken and noodles today with bread pudding, a banana and milk.

Hope all is going well at home. Have the Handley's moved yet? Where are they moving to? The closest place to you guys for me to be incarcerated will be at RCI (Racine). I will have a meeting with a social worker to tell me where I will be going and stuff like that.

Just got back from a nice hot shower. It feels so good to be clean. 
We only get to shower on Saturday here on Unit 19.  :(

It's almost dinner time. Last night we had fish and cole slaw and milk and noodle soup. The food here is much better than at the county jail. Can't wait to hear from you or see you guys. I miss your guy's soooooooo much. But you 'can choose your sin but not the consequences.' God is good – all the time. God will take care of me. Hope you guys are not worrying about me, because I'm in the Hands of God and nothing can take me out of them. You guys stay strong. And buy me both of those houses. :) May God richly bless y'all.

Just ate supper. It was so good. But my “celly” said I was just hungry. :) We had spanish rice, milk, bread, chips and salsa, and chocolate pie. All in all, aa good meal. Supper is at 3:30 and we are done by 4:00. It is still light out and there is a lot of time yet til bedtime which is 9:00pm.

I did get to read a book left behind in my cell, Sermon on the Mound – Finding God at the Heart of the Game. So even though I don't get to have a Bible, God is speaking to me through this book. It is really good.

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