Monday, March 24, 2014



Dear Family,
Thank you for sending me the book. (stack of letters). So good to hear from you all. At this time right now it is 1:00am in the morning. I can't go to sleep because I'm too excited that you guys are coming up this weekend. I can not WAIT to see you guys!

Not too much is going on here. We normally get up at 6:15am for standing count, then sometimes I will go back to bed till 10:35 ish. Next I will go to lunch. The meals have been very good. Lunch and dinner, that is. I normally will not eat breakfast unless it is something really really good like an egg muffin.

It is always good to hear Mom's voice over the phone – it gives me so much comfort to know my family is still behind me. Even when I make mistakes. When you get a chance, could you send a message to Uncle Larry and Aunt Brandy and tell them that I miss them and hope to hear from them soon. Also tell Uncle Jack thanks for the prayers. I could use them all the time.

It is so good to have a Bible again! Today I read over 32 chapters in Genesis! It was so cool to see things I had missed before. Like, God gave fruit for “meat” for Adam to eat and not meat of animals at first. And how Abraham told his wife to lie to the King of Egypt – then later Jacob did the very same thing to a different king.

Well, only 119 months left! :-}

Love Your Son,
Samuel Lee Shelton

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