Saturday, March 29, 2014



Dear Mom/Secretary, (lol)

Just got a letter from the state public defender's office. They said I need to send them $$ for my attorney. You can only send a check or money order and it has to be in by 5/19/2014. Enclosed is an envelope to put the check or money order in. This is all so confusing to me – all the hoops you have to jump through...

The attorney's name is __________. So, I don't know exactly what is going on with all this stuff. The paper work I sent you in this letter I need back as soon as you read through it all. Thank you.

Thank you for coming up today. It was so good to see you guys. All the legal stuff is hard for me to wrap my mind around. Is it worth all of this hassle – just to get the same thing.... 10 years? (That is what my flesh is telling me). I don't know what to do but to trust God to get me through this.

Samuel Lee Shelton

p.s. I hope you like the picture I drew for you all! :)

Monday, March 24, 2014



Dear Family,
Thank you for sending me the book. (stack of letters). So good to hear from you all. At this time right now it is 1:00am in the morning. I can't go to sleep because I'm too excited that you guys are coming up this weekend. I can not WAIT to see you guys!

Not too much is going on here. We normally get up at 6:15am for standing count, then sometimes I will go back to bed till 10:35 ish. Next I will go to lunch. The meals have been very good. Lunch and dinner, that is. I normally will not eat breakfast unless it is something really really good like an egg muffin.

It is always good to hear Mom's voice over the phone – it gives me so much comfort to know my family is still behind me. Even when I make mistakes. When you get a chance, could you send a message to Uncle Larry and Aunt Brandy and tell them that I miss them and hope to hear from them soon. Also tell Uncle Jack thanks for the prayers. I could use them all the time.

It is so good to have a Bible again! Today I read over 32 chapters in Genesis! It was so cool to see things I had missed before. Like, God gave fruit for “meat” for Adam to eat and not meat of animals at first. And how Abraham told his wife to lie to the King of Egypt – then later Jacob did the very same thing to a different king.

Well, only 119 months left! :-}

Love Your Son,
Samuel Lee Shelton

Tuesday, March 11, 2014



Well, no movement yet. I've been locked up in my cell for almost 72 hours. This gives me time to think and pray for people.

Hope you guys are having a good Tuesday. The snow is starting to melt here. It's beginning to look a lot like...springtime!

There is no sunshine today. Well lunch was ok today. We had a ham sandwich, sun chips, milk, peanut butter cookies and an orange.

Just got my eye exam today. They are getting me glasses. They look more like goggles. I will have to see the doctor in the next two weeks too. So far I have had a flu shot and a TB shot. Not used to getting all of the shots growing up in a home-schooled family... :)
Just got back from my shower. It feels so good to be clean...not only physically but mentally and spiritually too.

How has today been? Are you trusting in God to get us through this trial in our lives?

You guys bring sunshine in my life. Thank you so much for giving me so much hope and things to look forward to when I get out. May God bless you for a long time. All I need is for you to pray that I stay strong mentally, spiritually, and health wise. The last few nights God has given me peace and comfort that all will be okay. I love knowing He is always there for me and will never leave me. By the time you get this I hope I have a letter from you guys saying you got my first letter.

Well, happy Wednesday to you all out there. :) No movement yet. Love you guys. Lunch was good today. We had beef soup, bread, crackers, mandarin oranges, and meat balls. And milk. :)

Nothing is happening, not much to write about today. Hope to hear from you all soon.

Can't wait to get me a radio so I can listen to VCY and some good preaching and good songs. The past couple of weeks have been hard for me to stay up on news and things like that as well.

Yesterday was one of the hardest days for me to get through....knowing I would not get to see you guys for at least another week...

Well I did not get moved today either, but there are 39 guys coming in tomorrow, so maybe then. The sun was shining again today. Man it looks wonderful out there.

Today I was thinking of what I would be doing if I was out. I probably would be at work getting things ready for summer and more landscaping. You would be at home making a wonderful dinner. Dad would be at work. And then later we would go to church and have prayer meeting.

Ok, I learned today that when you send me money, the prison will take out 25% for my court costs. It was so good to hear from you guys. It was a bright spot in my day. Thank you for sending me money on my book. You guys are the best.

So glad you got to go to the University with Katie and with Octavio's family to see “Frozen.” Even though it was stupid. :) (is what dad said). I don't have envelopes to send you guys these letters yet, but will do so as soon as I can.

For supper we had spaghetti and meatballs, pudding, salad, rolls, and milk. It was delicious!

Through this time of being locked up – it is good to know that you guys are praying for me and will never stop. Thank you.

To my church family,
Just wanted to give a quick update. Things are going well. The Lord has given me comfort by verses like Proverbs 3:5-7 and Joshua 1:9. Please pray for me as I try to be an example of the believer in my words and conduct. I'm currently stashed at Dodge Correctional Institution where they are holding me til I will spend the rest of my 120 months. The process of getting to my permanent prison seems like it is taking for ever.
Through my sin, God has opened a mission field I never would have considered going to. My eyes have been open to the needs of the people in the United States prison system. Please pray for boldness to spread the Good News to every person I come in contact with.
Serving Christ in Jail, and for His Glory,

Samuel Lee Shelton

Monday, March 10, 2014



Last night was the best night of sleep I have had in three weeks. Breakfast was ok this morning.
Just finished lunch – beef stew, bread, salad, broccoli, and milk. It was one of the better lunches. Hopefully you will get my letter I sent you on Thursday evening.

Today 33 more people are coming in to Unit 19 so I should be moving hopefully. When you write could you send me Ohio State's standing in March Madness please?

One thing that is true: God is God and we are not.

I love you guys so much and hope to talk to you soon.

Well I did not get moved today. But we won't even go tomorrow because it is a training day. So maybe on Wednesday I will get moved.

Well, God knows where I'm at. The 'swamper” said there are still people here from last Wednesday. It will be a long time before I get to see you again...

Mom, how is the online work coming? Can't wait to hear from you. Dad, how has work been the last few weeks? Have you got to talk with anyone at work about Jesus?

How is Sandie (our golden retriever) doing I miss her. Do the Joneses play with her when they come over? Has she completely taken over my room now that I am gone?

Have the Handley's moved to WI yet? Can't wait to hear from you guys, it's been four days since I sent you guys two letters...hope you got them.

Only seven more days till one month is in the book. When I got up this morning and looked outside, I thought of my family. The sun was shining so bright and there was not a cloud in the sky. That was a smile from God I think – to let me know He still is in control of me and my destination. Can't wait for the “afterwords” to come.

Time seems to go slower when you are locked up all day long, but it gives you a lot of time to think....not just about what I have done, but what I will be able to do when I get out.

Dad was right when he said I needed to be ready for this time when I can't see you guys. I think when I get moved I want to live close to my family. You guys mean so much to me. Thank you for adopting me. All my life I have taken advantage of the privilege of having two godly parents. Thank you guys so much for loving me even with my short-comings.

Sunday, March 9, 2014



Well last night was good, I slept like a baby – and woke up right before 6:00am standing count. Then I went back to bed til breakfast. We had grits, toast, OJ, milk, and scrambled eggs. Then I went back to bed til lunch! For lunch we had ham and cheese potatoes, cucumber salad, peas and carrots, milk, and chocolate ice cream. It was great!

Today (Sunday), this unit does have not a Sunday service because we are on lock down. Hope your guys' Sunday is going well. It looks like a beautiful day today. (He has a window in his cell).

Alone Yet Not Alone” (Joni Earickson Tada) has been helping me through this time when I cannot see or hear from you. (for 2 weeks).

God is my fortress, God is my refuge.
How can I fear, Jesus is near...He ever watches over me.

Well, not much is going on in my cell :-) ...My “celly” is sleeping so I am kind of bored. Wish I could talk to you guys. Man this is harder than I thought it would be. I just need to remember God is in control – all the time.

Here is my new favorite song :) –
The time goes down
as the days go by-
The time goes down
as the days go by-
The time goes down
as the days go by-
So put your trust in the LORD!

We all are on a journey, we all have to have a goal. My goal is to become a more godly young man through this whole time of incarceration.

I love you guys so much. I miss you both so dearly. Can't wait to see you guys or even talk to you again on the phone...

Well there is another day in the book. One day closer to home.

Tonight we had chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, and beans and carrots. It was great.

Hope your Sunday went well. Most of the day I slept away. It makes it go faster. Hopefully I will get moved tomorrow to a unit where there will be more movement allowed.

All in all the day was ok. I'm gaining weight I can tell. I am doing hundreds of jumping-jacks, push-ups, sit-ups and squats combined every day. Don't want to get fat and lazy! :)

How is my church family doing? Do the Yowell's parents seem to be settling in okay? Well till tomorrow. Good night. Love you guys. Lots.

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Saturday, March 8, 2014


Dear Family~                                        3/8/2014

So as to save stamps, I am going to write one long letter all week long.
Just got up from a good nap. Not much to do but write and think. I have the top bed in the cell so a night it's hard for me to get down and go to the restroom.
How is the church doing? How are things going with Dad's work? Is he on first shift yet? Did you start the house-buying process?
Almost time for me to go get my shower then get locked down for the rest of the weekend. Hopefully by next Wednesday I'll be in another unit, but it all depends on how many people are transported.
By the end of these years you will have a whole book of letters from me. Please keep all of them and put them in a 3-ring binder for me.

Just played two games of chess. I lost again. But I will get better.

Man, do I feel lazy over the last two days. I have done nothing but sleep and eat and write y'all.

Time goes so slow when you're locked up all day long. Can't wait to be out of Unit 19 and on to where I will be for the rest of my time. God knows where I am and He will protect me at all times.

I have been praying for you and dad a lot. When I was told I was leaving the county jail I was sad, but glad as well to be moving on. When we got here it took them forever to process us, but everything is going smoothly now. One thing is there is no Sunday service for us guys in Unit 19, but hopefully next week I'll be moved and will be able to go to one.

I miss not being able to talk to you guys. But this 5-day lockdown will be over soon and I will be able to talk to you again. There is always an “afterwords.”

Just finished lunch. The food is a lot better than what I got in the county jail. We had chicken and noodles today with bread pudding, a banana and milk.

Hope all is going well at home. Have the Handley's moved yet? Where are they moving to? The closest place to you guys for me to be incarcerated will be at RCI (Racine). I will have a meeting with a social worker to tell me where I will be going and stuff like that.

Just got back from a nice hot shower. It feels so good to be clean. 
We only get to shower on Saturday here on Unit 19.  :(

It's almost dinner time. Last night we had fish and cole slaw and milk and noodle soup. The food here is much better than at the county jail. Can't wait to hear from you or see you guys. I miss your guy's soooooooo much. But you 'can choose your sin but not the consequences.' God is good – all the time. God will take care of me. Hope you guys are not worrying about me, because I'm in the Hands of God and nothing can take me out of them. You guys stay strong. And buy me both of those houses. :) May God richly bless y'all.

Just ate supper. It was so good. But my “celly” said I was just hungry. :) We had spanish rice, milk, bread, chips and salsa, and chocolate pie. All in all, aa good meal. Supper is at 3:30 and we are done by 4:00. It is still light out and there is a lot of time yet til bedtime which is 9:00pm.

I did get to read a book left behind in my cell, Sermon on the Mound – Finding God at the Heart of the Game. So even though I don't get to have a Bible, God is speaking to me through this book. It is really good.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Dear Family                                            3/7/2014

I love you guys soooo much. Today went very slow. I had my blood drawn and a psychiatrist test to see if I am a mental case. Everything went well. Hopefully they will move me to a different place at Dodge soon.

The guy I share a cell with is very nice. He is an older man from Georgia. Pray I get a chance to witness to him.

Things are not good being locked up 23 hours a day. But I have gotten a lot of sleep. So sorry I wasted my last envelope telling you the correct DOC#. When you write, you must get it right or it will not get to me.

The radio will cost $120 and the TV $180. The more money you send here the better, because they will keep 10% after I am moved.

So sorry to sound so rushed in my last letter, I was scared and upset that I did not get to see you yesterday.