Friday, March 7, 2014


Dear Family                                            3/7/2014

I love you guys soooo much. Today went very slow. I had my blood drawn and a psychiatrist test to see if I am a mental case. Everything went well. Hopefully they will move me to a different place at Dodge soon.

The guy I share a cell with is very nice. He is an older man from Georgia. Pray I get a chance to witness to him.

Things are not good being locked up 23 hours a day. But I have gotten a lot of sleep. So sorry I wasted my last envelope telling you the correct DOC#. When you write, you must get it right or it will not get to me.

The radio will cost $120 and the TV $180. The more money you send here the better, because they will keep 10% after I am moved.

So sorry to sound so rushed in my last letter, I was scared and upset that I did not get to see you yesterday.

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