Sunday, March 9, 2014



Well last night was good, I slept like a baby – and woke up right before 6:00am standing count. Then I went back to bed til breakfast. We had grits, toast, OJ, milk, and scrambled eggs. Then I went back to bed til lunch! For lunch we had ham and cheese potatoes, cucumber salad, peas and carrots, milk, and chocolate ice cream. It was great!

Today (Sunday), this unit does have not a Sunday service because we are on lock down. Hope your guys' Sunday is going well. It looks like a beautiful day today. (He has a window in his cell).

Alone Yet Not Alone” (Joni Earickson Tada) has been helping me through this time when I cannot see or hear from you. (for 2 weeks).

God is my fortress, God is my refuge.
How can I fear, Jesus is near...He ever watches over me.

Well, not much is going on in my cell :-) ...My “celly” is sleeping so I am kind of bored. Wish I could talk to you guys. Man this is harder than I thought it would be. I just need to remember God is in control – all the time.

Here is my new favorite song :) –
The time goes down
as the days go by-
The time goes down
as the days go by-
The time goes down
as the days go by-
So put your trust in the LORD!

We all are on a journey, we all have to have a goal. My goal is to become a more godly young man through this whole time of incarceration.

I love you guys so much. I miss you both so dearly. Can't wait to see you guys or even talk to you again on the phone...

Well there is another day in the book. One day closer to home.

Tonight we had chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, and beans and carrots. It was great.

Hope your Sunday went well. Most of the day I slept away. It makes it go faster. Hopefully I will get moved tomorrow to a unit where there will be more movement allowed.

All in all the day was ok. I'm gaining weight I can tell. I am doing hundreds of jumping-jacks, push-ups, sit-ups and squats combined every day. Don't want to get fat and lazy! :)

How is my church family doing? Do the Yowell's parents seem to be settling in okay? Well till tomorrow. Good night. Love you guys. Lots.

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