Tuesday, March 11, 2014



Well, no movement yet. I've been locked up in my cell for almost 72 hours. This gives me time to think and pray for people.

Hope you guys are having a good Tuesday. The snow is starting to melt here. It's beginning to look a lot like...springtime!

There is no sunshine today. Well lunch was ok today. We had a ham sandwich, sun chips, milk, peanut butter cookies and an orange.

Just got my eye exam today. They are getting me glasses. They look more like goggles. I will have to see the doctor in the next two weeks too. So far I have had a flu shot and a TB shot. Not used to getting all of the shots growing up in a home-schooled family... :)
Just got back from my shower. It feels so good to be clean...not only physically but mentally and spiritually too.

How has today been? Are you trusting in God to get us through this trial in our lives?

You guys bring sunshine in my life. Thank you so much for giving me so much hope and things to look forward to when I get out. May God bless you for a long time. All I need is for you to pray that I stay strong mentally, spiritually, and health wise. The last few nights God has given me peace and comfort that all will be okay. I love knowing He is always there for me and will never leave me. By the time you get this I hope I have a letter from you guys saying you got my first letter.

Well, happy Wednesday to you all out there. :) No movement yet. Love you guys. Lunch was good today. We had beef soup, bread, crackers, mandarin oranges, and meat balls. And milk. :)

Nothing is happening, not much to write about today. Hope to hear from you all soon.

Can't wait to get me a radio so I can listen to VCY and some good preaching and good songs. The past couple of weeks have been hard for me to stay up on news and things like that as well.

Yesterday was one of the hardest days for me to get through....knowing I would not get to see you guys for at least another week...

Well I did not get moved today either, but there are 39 guys coming in tomorrow, so maybe then. The sun was shining again today. Man it looks wonderful out there.

Today I was thinking of what I would be doing if I was out. I probably would be at work getting things ready for summer and more landscaping. You would be at home making a wonderful dinner. Dad would be at work. And then later we would go to church and have prayer meeting.

Ok, I learned today that when you send me money, the prison will take out 25% for my court costs. It was so good to hear from you guys. It was a bright spot in my day. Thank you for sending me money on my book. You guys are the best.

So glad you got to go to the University with Katie and with Octavio's family to see “Frozen.” Even though it was stupid. :) (is what dad said). I don't have envelopes to send you guys these letters yet, but will do so as soon as I can.

For supper we had spaghetti and meatballs, pudding, salad, rolls, and milk. It was delicious!

Through this time of being locked up – it is good to know that you guys are praying for me and will never stop. Thank you.

To my church family,
Just wanted to give a quick update. Things are going well. The Lord has given me comfort by verses like Proverbs 3:5-7 and Joshua 1:9. Please pray for me as I try to be an example of the believer in my words and conduct. I'm currently stashed at Dodge Correctional Institution where they are holding me til I will spend the rest of my 120 months. The process of getting to my permanent prison seems like it is taking for ever.
Through my sin, God has opened a mission field I never would have considered going to. My eyes have been open to the needs of the people in the United States prison system. Please pray for boldness to spread the Good News to every person I come in contact with.
Serving Christ in Jail, and for His Glory,

Samuel Lee Shelton

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